One day, in a wooded area in Argentina, a young, beautiful woman was wandering. She enjoyed the bucolic and serene ambience of the forest, letting the smell of pine tar waft through her nose. She walked along a dirt path along to her quiet and wooded cabin. The area where she lived at wasn’t too far from the city, but the distance was just enough to isolate her from the crazy and crowded civilization that was known as the city of Mendoza.

Astrid Berg was a single woman and she wondered despite her long, brown hair, her soft facial features, her soft skin, and her thick and very curvy and fertile body that she hadn’t found a man, let alone already gotten married and had children. She’d already seen most of her friends getting married quite young and some even later, but no matter what the age of when her friends gotten married, by the time her female friends already tied the knot, they started to have children.

As for Astrid, she questioned a lot of stuff about herself. Much of the town was of Spanish and Italian extraction, and she was of Swedish extraction, however she didn’t have any blonde hair, as many of the men felt that women of Swedish extraction should have but the women of Spanish and Italian extraction dyed their hair blonde and even the dyed ones were getting more love than what she was used to getting, but even the women who were raven haired were still getting married, so hair color must not be it.

Then she questioned her height, which was 5’9’’. She actually thought about modeling and even tried to model in Argentina but a lot of the models the Argentine photographers and publishers wanted were blondes, which she wasn’t, and her thick and voluptuous frame didn’t even get the attention of many publishers in Buenos Aires, so she came back to Mendoza and used her savings to travel to New York. When she got to NY and showed her photos to the publishers and the photographers, her height was perfect but many of them even said that her derriere was just too damn big or it was too fat, which dropped Astrid’s self esteem to a new low.

Finally, her body became a topic amongst the town. While Spanish and Italian women were supposed to be naturally curvy, it was seen as being fat and ugly in Argentina, and for a girl whose blossoming body came of age at 11, when a fat bottom started to show, she was ridiculed by not only the students, but even the male teachers. Her height was also ridiculed, and Astrid was able to defend herself from not only the mean girls but even the boys as well as she was always one of the tallest girls in class from 3rd grade well into high school. When prom came, she was never chosen simply because of her height and her derriere, which was considered the biggest in her school.

Astrid tried everything for crash diets to weight loss pills and when they didn’t even work or they failed to get rid of her plump and fleshy ass, she tried to go without eating, often for a week until she fainted and had to go to a hospital. Her worried parents wondered what happened and all Astrid wanted to be was beautiful so she wouldn’t get teased and humiliated. Later on, she went through therapy and although she was also on of the smartest girls in the class and even considered one of the most beautiful, she never got a date in high school.

After the trip to NYC, she came back home, depressed, and sad that a man would never marry her. It’s said that in Argentina that if a woman didn’t get married or even had any children before 30, she was an old maid and the same can be said for her forebears in Sweden. A woman who turned 30 was damaged goods. Even though Sweden nowadays is a more liberal place than Argentina, the fact that the men weren’t even men in her forebears land killed any hopes of maybe even looking for a Scandinavian mate and the same can be said for much of Europe.

Astrid didn’t want to go to the war torn countries like Croatia and Albania, and you could forget Russia. The reports of women getting beaten was not what she wanted to hear. She looked at the webpage and stumbled on a site called OnlyFans, which allowed women to pose nude and get some money in return. While Astrid was mainly reserved and not necessarily a whore, she always felt that her body was that of a goddess. She was especially proud of her Nordic roots from Sweden, however living in a Roman Catholic country like Argentina made her grandparents Catholic, however they still held on to their Norse traditions and even her parents would tell her some stories such as Thor, Odin, and her favorite one, about a goddess called Freya, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.

Astrid did have lovers in Argentina, but it always ended up to be a one night stand, a fling, or just casual sex and Astrid got tired of the brief encounters. She wanted a man to love her and to also make her come as the men in Argentina despite it’s Spanish and Italian culture and the level of machismo, couldn’t even last ten to fifteen minutes, and the older men were much worse. She wanted a real strong man who could perfectly complement her soft, thick, and voluptuous body and she still couldn’t believe that she was still all alone.


Benjamin was a traveler who did different jobs: a laborer, a janitor, a taxi driver, and he ever served the United States Navy. He was lucky to get a reasonable pension but even that didn’t really help him as no matter how hard he worker or how many times he prayed, he would find himself looking for new work. It was a frustrating life in America, where love, liberty and the pursuit of happiness was supposed to be the mantra for every American, but in Benjamin’s case, the fact that the same mantra didn’t really apply to black men was a very frustrating thing, even for Benjamin.

His parents always taught him the value of education and while initially he was a good student, he did have problems later in high school and his parents couldn’t even believe what had gotten to their son. They even tried to move into an all-white town, but that only made the problem worse and Benjamin was forced to choose: either go through hell with your parents or join the Navy, so Benjamin chose the latter.

During his sojourn in the Navy, Benjamin was out of shape, but boot camp alone toughened him physically as well as mentally. He went into a school and later got assigned to a ship, but despite his drive to be better, it was no better than the crazy world he tried to leave. One time he suffered a car accident which would change his life. The Navy generally discharged him and at the same time gave him disability which would cover basic needs such as rent.

After working in the real world, making more money than he ever did as a sailor, there was finally a sense of pride as Benjamin would finally taste a little bit of the American Dream. He was hoping that he would finally have that house that he wanted ever since he thought about getting a place in the military, but one day, the manager of the taxi company abruptly laid him off, not because he was a bad driver, but because the taxi company couldn’t afford to keep many of it’s drivers in it’s fleet unless they were willing to have their hours cut. 

As much as the money never really made a big difference, the fact that Benjamin had to share a taxi with somebody else was a big no-no, as he would lose his only means of transportation around the city of Philadelphia, as well as the fact that he couldn’t even make even a decent salary for 12 hours, as taxi driving was always a daily job 7 days a week for him and he loved it, but the management had the final say, and Benjamin had no choice but to leave. 

He tried to file unemployment and even so his savings were drying up. The lifestyle that his job afforded him was gone and he tried to hold on to a relationship to a woman who lived in his hometown of Brooklyn, but she was playing games and the relationship went nowhere. He tried to go to church, read the Bible from beginning to end, and even dabbled in the occult and collected worship cards and smoked some weed, hoping that it would get his job back, but no luck. 

Finally, he went to an old man who may give him some stability. He introduced him to a Conan looking doll. The man said that it wasn’t a doll, but it was Ogun, the warrior god from Yoruba. The old man also told him that Ogun was the god of iron as well as fertility. Benjamin bought the figurine for $10, and took it home. Benjamin would place pepper and even a drop of urine, hoping that Ogun would eventually bless him. Despite not working, Benjamin would eventually go to the gym and start lifting weights. At first, lifting weights was a hard chore, but eventually, day to day, there would be improvements.

His chest would be much bigger than before, his triceps were stronger, his biceps were more prominent, and his energy and metabolism were at his highest, and still he was alone, with no woman. Benjamin looked like a god and every time he made improvements, he would always thank Ogun, the Yoruba god of war, steel, and fertility. However it was a woman he sorely desired and, as usual, with his testosterone raging, he would browse the internet.

He checked out Instagram and would see different women. While there were some women he liked, as a player, he was more hands-on and didn’t like to just send women annoying dick pics, at the most sending pics of his body, with no luck. Plus most of the women looked the same, with hydrogel booties and fake breast implants, most of the women looked like Barbie dolls. Finally Benjamin laid his eyes on a white woman which captivated and captures his mind, his body, and his soul.

He checked out a woman who went by the name of Kvindehintern, a strange name for a woman. And even with such a strange name, nobody can deny that she was very, very hot. He saw Kvindehintern’s soft, milky white body. Her hair hung down to the small of her back, her white skin as  pure and creamy as milk, her plump milky tits sagging heavily and her scrumptious nipples, her small waist and her very wide, fertile hips, but her jiggling ass caught disattention the most.

He found a link which would lead him to an OnlyFans page and clicked on it. He later ordered the page, which was a modest sum and ordered it for a few months, and once Benjamin made the transaction, he was hooked to her body, often times fantasizing how his strong, virile black body would mesh and grind with her soft, tender, and very creamy white fertile body. He was so hooked to her, he actually written to her, to which she quickly responded. Both parties were delighted and Benjamin was interested in meeting this Kvindehintern. She told him to send her $1K and he did. Benjamin though that he was going to meet the woman of his dreams, with one stipulation: that it wasn’t meant to be a sexual date, but just a formal date.

While Benjamin deep down still wanted to meet the woman, she turned him down and sent the $1K back, but she did want to follow him on IG, to which he sent his IG page to her. They written occasionally, trading pics and even turning each other, however, he did crave to be with her someday, while Astrid was having fun with OnlyFans.


Astrid was finally making some money displaying her heavenly body to the world and she was one of the top models in Patreon and OnlyFans. Her milky body attracted a lot of men, but what really was shocking to her was to high amount of black men, mainly from America as well as men from the Caribbean and Africa who would comment on her body and even give her tips.

While she knew she was beautiful, she initially didn’t expect to see that many black men crave her voluptuous body, but some of the men would show their body over the email and she was impressed with th muscular definitions compared to the white men that she was used to back in Argentina. Not that there weren’t any strong looking men inherited homeland, but the men didn’t show her any attention, let alone any interest, but when it came to black men, they constantly talked about her body and especially her ass and what they’d do to it, which made her highly flattered. 

When she made a windfall of money, she finally left for Los Angeles to model. She modeled and was able to afford her own photographers, who charged her with reasonable rates, and her sites exploded. She lived in Venice and was able to afford a nice beach house just right next to the beach. Venice was different compared to the hustle and bustle of LA. She was more of a small town girl, but LA was a nice city for here even though she did want to eventually move back to Argentina.

While in her new land, despite the attention she was getting she was somehow very adverse with getting with Americans, who seemed much more aggressive compared to the more machismo culture of Argentina. She was a beautiful woman but the men were just aggressive. She was also turned off by the Crips and Bloods and the Mexican gangsters. She never seen so many men with tattoos that she consider too many of them to be a turnoff.

She did like chiseled men but her reserved nature kept her from the dating life in America and she was making much money anyways just displaying her luscious body to the world, so there was no turning back. Despite her newfound success, she badly wanted sexual attention, as she didn’t even have sex for months. A life of a model was supposed to be fun and games, but for Astrid, it was hard work as usual and she would always return home to her beach house, bored.

As usual, she would take a shower, scrubbing the dirt of her body from head to toe and shampoo her long hair to make it strong and healthy. After the nice lukewarm shower, she wrapped her hair and body with towels and walked to her bed. She turned on the air conditioner to dry of the remaining droplets off her body and relaxed for a while. After her body was dry, she lotion her nude body with lotion and decided to sleep in the nude, covering herself with a comforter and keeping the AC to a low cool.

Astrid thought of Freya, the goddess of fertility. Before being in a deep sleep, she though of Freya and subliminally prayed to her to finally find a man who would fulfill her carnal needs. Deep down she wanted to be with a black man, but her newfound experiences with black American men left her dumbfounded, considering she would look at newscast of black me in South Central and Watts. All she wanted was a strong black men like the football stars she would occasionally watch. She would finally go to sleep, seeing Freya disappear into the light.

Back in Philadelphia, Benjamin continued to fantasize about Astrid, their bodies hugging, kissing, licking, and churning, the sights of their bodies rubbing against each other and their juices mixing was a though he wished he could have but in the real world and with months of pent up semen, all Benjamin could do was to just fantasize about being with such a goddess as Kvindehintern. With his balls feeling the fullest it’s ever been, he wanted to jerk off the pressure, but discipline and restraint stopped him and instead he prayed to Ogun, the god of war and virility to be able to meet her in person. 

Although Benjamin is a Christian, he felt that the church didn’t help men and only the woman and instead became way more spiritual. He always fantasized about being a cowboy, a commando, and even a warrior like Conan, like Joshua and David from the Bible, and like Ogun, where men were real men, and the women were real women, not this abomination of men wearing purses and tight ass pants and women looking like dolls with their hair pulled out. 

Benjamin was also getting tired of being rejected and called corny, which he didn’t understand, considering that he was in the best shape of his life and the time one woman called him that, he lost hope in all American woman. He though of going to South America, where he could finally meet woman and sow his royal oats, but he had to either make a windfall ignorer to do that or just get lucky and win the lottery, which he tried, but failed to win.

He prayed intently and constantly. Then frustrated about life, he slowly slept, trying to forget this miserable world and trying to enter a fantasy world where hot and sexy women would be as plentiful as a cornucopia, where this world would make him an only man to five hundred women like King David and he would have fun with each one. He read the Bible for assurance and learned that the Bible was more than just a book of rules, it was a book of morals, a book of adventure, a book of violence, but most importantly, a book of sexuality, sensuality, and passion.

He read the Bible intently, looking for passages which would affirm him, and one of his favorite passages, Genesis 1:22, would always affirm the his mission as a man was to be very fruitful and multiply, but the question is to whom. Another passage, Isaiah 66:11 would affirm him the promise of drinking milk from a buxom woman. And of course, the stories of Queen of Sheba. Deep down, Benjamin wanted a black woman, but the black woman in America were trouble to get with, as they only wanted thugs, gangsters, and lowlifes. 

While Benjamin was no punk, he was neither, and the fact that he wasn’t even that dismissed him from a lot of black woman’s dating pool. He did find white women to be more pleasing, and looking at some of the Only Fans, the white women were looking much thicker and curvier than their black counterparts, which was a shock for him, but not so, considering the first thick white women were in the navy, but Benjamin was either out of rank, or he didn’t know how to talk to them.

After the period of prayer, Benjamin was finally able to sleep, the prayer session was very loud, with him talking to Ogun. He badly wanted a woman like Astrid, shaped like a Greek goddess but even with blondes who were shaped like goddesses, Benjamin was longing to be with a white woman would be be comfortable being with a black virile stud like him. He finally slept, with the mind finally shutting down.


Both Astrid and Benjamin were deep in their sleep, with Astrid taking an early rest at 10 PM, while in Philadelphia, Benjamin would finally doze off around 1 AM. Since it was wintertime, it was a longer nighttime, and the two comfortably slept well. However both of them would experience a dream world quite like no other.

Astrid and Benjamin would be deep in their sleep when both of them experienced a small, faint light. The light would get bigger, and bigger gradually until the light Ould get very intense until both Astrid and Benjamin couldn’t even see through the light. The light would deintensify and finally reintensify until both of them would find themselves in a wooded area.

The wooded area would seem very real. The clouds were blue, the sun was beaming, the birds were chirping, and the water was clear, clean and crisp. The mountains were afar and very visible and the weather felt real, which a cool and moderate breeze that both Astrid and Benjamin could feel. Astrid looked at her surroundings and it looked similar to her cabin home in Argentina while Benjamin was in a foreign place unfamiliar to him.

Another thing that was strange was how they dressed. When Astrid realized that she was back home, she went back to her cabin. The place looked the same, with the same pictures hanging on her wall, the same table, the same television, and even her cat was there, but the difference was that she was dressed in a blue dress and she also realized that she was carrying a sword and a shield. She finally found her mirror, and she had on golden bracelets and a golden belt and on top of her head, she had a winged crown.

As strange as it was, she looked like Freya, the Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She didn’t believe it. When she took off her winged crown, she looked at it, and the winged crown fluttered and flew around the house for a minute until she was able to get the crown back. She was shocked, but astonished that she looked like the goddess that she always admired. 

She left her cabin to find a sleigh with two bigger cats attached to it. She didn’t believe it and petted the cats and even named them Thor and Odin and once she got on the sleigh, she whipped the rope and the two cats flew her into the sky. She finally though what she was looking for and searched for Or. She even envisioned him as a Norse god with white hair, but a very youthful countenance. He was taller, stronger, and more virile than what she encountered in the real world. However, despite this, she would look around, often to no avail. 

She would also see that her home in Argentina would look very surreal. As she was flying on her sleigh, she would spot an everlasting rainbow, and she would see different from deers frolicking, to bunnies bouncing, to different types of birds flying and chirping, to horses galloping. She actually thought she was in heaven. 

She would finally find Or and when she met him, she was just as he realized, tall and handsome with Nordic wholesomeness. “Why hello, Freya!”, greeted Or. “Oh my, did your hair just change?” “No, however my name is Astrid and I don’t know how I got into these clothes but who are you, if I may inquire?”, she said. “They call me Or, the god of light and majesty and what do they call you?” “My name is Astrid Berg” “I see, Astrid is a Nordic name meaning beautiful goddess and you’re even more beautiful than my wife, Freya, and even more bountiful as well”. Astrid couldn’t even believe it, that she finally found her mate and of all the man in the world, she found Freya’s husband Or.

It was said that Freya couldn’t even find her husband despite days of searching for him, often in vain and through tears of gold. She saw a castle and Or had his own chariot of flying horses as both flew to the castle. She went into Or’s castle and saw that she was in his lair. Once she stepped inside his lair, the place was packed with paintings and heraldic crests. His castle looked very modern even by todays standards. Everytime they walked, the lights came on automatically, the paintings came alive, and the house was very comodable. 

“I feel what you’re thinking”, Or said. “Do you want to come to my bedroom?” Astrid answered “I have one question to ask you, Or, but why doesn’t your wife never find you, ever? I’ve always heard stories about Freya trying to look for you but she never finds you, why?” “Because as a God, there’s free reign to do whatever and also I’m discovering new worlds and new lands. Nothing against Freya, but when Odin and Thor are commanding me to do something, it must be done, for the gods and for the mortals. Now do you want it?” “Please Or, take me!!!”, Astrid begged and the two passionately kissed. Or kissed her with his lips, feeling her body from her shoulders and pausing for a second, observing her supple breasts, her tiny waist, and her wide hips.

“You’re even more fruitful than my wife. Very fruitful!!!” Astrid became very wet by the comment and she observed Or’s body, very hard and very firm, with little to no body fat anywhere. She ran her hands along his body and felt his chest, playing with his nipples for a minute, and then observed his ripping abs, and looked down even more and for a minute, saw his muscular thighs and finally focused her attention to what seemed to be a manhood through his loincloth.

Astrid continued to feel his flawless body, and traced her hands to his buns of steel, squeezing them and testing the firmness to the point where it hurt her hands. She let go and once again kissed Or heavily, her body being grabbed from the small of her back to her bountiful bottom. He groped her bottom and kneaded it through her dress and both of them dry humped. She felt Or’s massive member grinding her womanhood and she felt a moment of wetness and it felt like she would cum but her orgasm was sustained for the moment where she would finally be well ravished by a Norse god.

“I will make sure that you’re very satisfied, my lady, and when I’m done with you, you’re be a true goddess, even over my wife Freya.” “Please don’t let this moment go, Or. Please, do as you please and as you want, Or. I want you, baby, please don’t stop. Take me to your bedroom, NOW!!!” Both Or and Astrid kissed and his manly hands kneaded her ass through the blue dress as he carried her soft, squishy body while she wrapped her legs around his torso, waiting for the moment where she finally gets to be made into not just a new woman, but a goddess at that.

As the passionate couple finally make their way into the bedroom, Or tosses her into his massive king size bed. As she waits to see what his massive member looks like, she hears a very loud thud crashing outside of his castle. “What in Thor???!!!” Or shouted. “What is that loud noise, Or?” “It sounds like trouble from the horizon and it seems like the army may need my help. Listen, Astrid, I will come back and you’ll be truly mine, my lady. You have to be patient and allow me to perform my godly duties. In the meantime, make yourself at home, Astrid. I will be back, count on it! My castle is your castle, goddess!!!” Frustrated and vexed at the same time, Or left in his chariot and commanded his winged horses to go to the other world to assist the Norse gods in yet another adventure of good versus evil.

Surprised at the sudden call of war, Astrid felt empty, looking around his house and bewildered, wondering what she did to not experience what seemed to be a moment of her lifetime. She was just about to even allow him to have his divine Nordic baby if he wanted when the call of duty abruptly ended the moment of passion between the two. She laid there bored, hoping he would come back, even if it would take hours, days, hell even months for Or to come back and impale her with his thunder cock.


Benjamin started to wander around the strange countryside still wondering  where he was. He also started tom wonder whether he was actually dreaming or whether he was either in reality or some other dimension. Benjamin still couldn’t discern from the truth, but observing different vistas such as the blue mountains and the green trees covering the landscape, he was trying to know where he was. The different wildlife he observed let him know that he was far away from Philadelphia, but he was still unsure where he was.

He came onto a creek and started to notice his reflection and seen that he looked different. His hair was longer, worn in dreadlocks, he was half naked, save for a metal skirt and  shorts, and he had on a metal headband. He also adorned a sword and a bigger shield, looking like Conan the Barbarian, but after further detail, he portrayed the Yoruba god of steel and war, Ogun.

Fascinated with this new world, Benjamin continue to wander around until he came across a cabin just a quarter of a mile away. He wasn’t sure whose house it was, but still curious about this new place, he continued to walk towards the cabin until he came close to it. He knocked on the door but heard no answer. Then, with multiple tries, he took the knob and strangely enough, the door was open. He went inside the cabin and the place was empty. He called to see if anybody was home but there was no answer. Realizing he was in a virtual reality and not so much a dream world, Benjamin still wondered where he was at, not realizing that his fantasy was about to begin soon.

Back at Or’s castle, Astrid waited incessantly, hoping that Or would come back from his call of duty. Disappointed, she felt sad and lonely and slowly started to cry until she noticed that her tears were golden. She looked at each drop on Or’s bed and realized that she had manifested  herself fully into Freya’s powers. Realizing this, Astrid went back outside and still found her two giant cats, Thor and Odin, and woke them up so she could return back to her cabin.

As she was almost at her cabin, all of a sudden, the sky changed into a deep orange. Not realizing what was going on, she pondered what was happening. She noticed on the ground that different creatures were starting to scatter and unable to realize what was happening, she heard a terrible shrill, which further scared all the rest of the wildlife. Realizing that there was impending danger, she forced her flying cats to hurry up home. But just when she was close to home, a hydra monster started to fly towards her. It let a shrill so loud, that when she was close to her house, the loud shrill knocked her off her sleigh and startled her giant cats. 

Realizing she left her sword and her shield back at the cabin, Astrid was basically left defenseless so she used whatever magic she possessed to keep the hydra monster away from her, with little effect, the monster still approached her. Unsure what the monster was going to do to Astrid, she ran, trying to reach her cabin but her way was blocked by the hydra monster, so she ran a different direction, trying to avoid the danger to monster was going to impose on her.

Hearing a strange sound from the cabin, Benjamin checked the outer environs to see what was causing the noise. He left Astrid’s empty cabin with his sword and shield and started to investigate what was happening outside. He noticed the skies changed into a fiery orange and looking towards the horizons, he also heard a strange shrill. Bewildered what it was, he walked a few meters until he saw what he couldn’t believe: an apparent damsel in distress. He also saw an orange monster which was the almost the size of a medium dragon, but even more hideous than what he was accustomed to.

Looking at the frightened woman and the impending danger the monster was going to impose onto her, Benjamin quickly ran towards the monster and started to throw some steel flints at the monster, hoping to impede his apparent attack on Astrid. The hydra’s attention was quickly turned to Benjamin, who saw the monster, the size of a large bear starting to now focus his attention onto him. As the monster came closer to Benjamin, realizing that Ogun the god of war was blessed with immense strength, he quickly used his shield and knocked the massive monster, surprising it with blows and punches. 

The hydra monster started to get startled, not realizing that it was dealing with a different god than in the Norse universe, so it started to blow some hot gas, thinking it might stop Benjamin from further attacking it. Benjamin used his shield to black the hot gas from coming towards him and ran to the other side, close to the water. The monster charged at him, thinking that it has Benjamin cornered, but Benjamin quickly dodged the monster and when Benjamin found out that he was behind the monster, he swung his heavy sword at the monster, slicing the skin behind him and startling the monster. Benjamin continued to strike at the monster until it started to weaken. Once the master faced him, Benjamin sliced his neck, practically killing it. 

The monster started to tip towards the creek and when it fell into the creek, a great plume of steam engulfed the monster, dissolving it into oblivion. The steam fogged up the atmosphere for awhile, sending a powerful burst of thick foggy steam. Once the fog started to subside, Benjamin saw the still startled Astrid and approached her, wondering whether she was all right. She confided in him and told him that she was fine, as both Astrid and Benjamin both walked to safety as the skies started to turn back into the familiar blue that both of them were accustomed to.


As the skied turned blue and the wildlife returned to safety, Astrid was still bewildered at this strange barbarian who all of a sudden saved her life. It wasn’t Thor nor was it Odin or any of the gods. It wasn’t even the god of war Zeus from the Greek mythology but she was very unfamiliar who this black barbarian was except that she was very grateful that he came to her aid after she was hoping that Of, her initial love, would swoop down and save the day.

Astrid offered to take this black god to her cabin, which Benjamin obliged. As both of them went into her cabin, she was exhausted from the ordeal she faced from the hydra monster. She offer him refreshments, which he accepted and quickly excused herself and went into her bedroom for a quick shower and a change of clothes. After a quick 15 minutes, she reappeared with a similar outfit but an even darker shade of the blue that she originally wore.

She was still curious as to who the strange man was, not understanding that there where black gods, albeit not in the Norse mythology. He said that he was influenced by Ogun, the god of war and steel and while Astrid was unfamiliar with who or what Ogun was, Benjamin later clarified that Ogun was a Yoruba god from West Africa. It made sense considering that Astrid read about Norse and Roman mythologies and when she insisted that Ogun was a part of mythology, Benjamin clarified that Ogun was actually a real deity.

Astrid sipped her chamomile tea, trying to relax and unwind after the ordeal and both of them discussed their lands and cultures, with Astrid explaining that she was from Argentina of Swedish extraction and Benjamin saying that he had relatives in Trinidad, just close to South America. They later related about South America, with Benjamin telling her that he wanted to go to South America, particularly Brazil just to check out the beaches, the buildings, and the culture.

Astrid countered that Argentina had beaches too and there was one town that was known as Mar del Plata. Benjamin related that he always wanted to travel to Argentina as well and check out Buenos Aires and a city called Rosario. Benjamin liked the railroads and the shopping as well as the Subte. She admitted that she visited Buenos Aires a few times in her life and that she was more cut out for the country, preferring the slower life over the fast paced city life.

As the day went by, both Astrid and Benjamin took a liking to each other. “I have to ask this Astrid, but what is your astrological sign?” “I’m a Leo, and your’s?” “I’m a Gemini”. She related that a Leo was a Fire sign and Gemini was an Air sign and Benjamin told her that without air, there wouldn’t be any fire at all since you need oxygen to keep the flame alit. Both of them laughed at the quick joke and even became more enthralled with each other.

Astrid glanced at his massive chest, which even seemed bigger than Or’s chest and while Benjamin didn’t even have the six pack that Or had, his arms were even more defined and much stronger than Or’s. She led her hand and slowly and softly touched his chest, caressing his body and admiring how such a strong man could be so valiant and so brave in the face of danger. This made Astrid very hot from head to toe and at the same time, very moist.

Benjamin glanced at her body, and saw her blue eyes, her long brown hair and her clothed body, but even still, her bust revealed a milkiness to her white cleavage, her breasts jiggling softly and sensually. He eyed her right down to her waist all the way down to her wide ample hips. Both of them knew deep down that they wanted to meet, however she finally remembered in the real world that Benjamin was the man she initially rebuffed and refunded the $1K to, since she was still unfamiliar to Americans, let alone black men due to her upbringing in Argentina.

Astrid, despite her physical attributes, was an interracial virgin while Benjamin did ravish some white women in his reality, a testament to his virility as a man and his sperm was specifically for the insemination of white women to make beautiful black babies. Both Astrid and Benjamin as gods had the strange ability to read each other’s minds, as each of them read their memories from childhood to their most recent memories.

Astrid also learned that Benjamin was also fluent in Spanish and could speak some Portuguese and Italian and Benjamin learned that she was actually tied to Vikings which was very interesting and cool at the same time. Both of them felt a major powerful urge to fulfill their sexual urges immediately and once those thoughts where mutual, Benjamin reached out and softly groped her milky white udders with his brown ebony hands. He pulled the fabric down and revealed her plump, erect nipples and intently observed the whiteness of her skin and the apparent softness and fullness of them.

Benjamin was getting turned on by the size, shape, and suppleness of her sagging supersized udders and when he reached his thumbs towards er nipples, both nipples moistened and when he intensified his pressure on her very milky udders, they squirted out a nice stream of creamy mother’s milk .The rivulets stained her dress and a few droplets landed on Benjamin’s chest, but this action actually turned them both on. He took his finger and wiped the milk of his body with it and placed his index finger into his mouth and tasted it. The milk was lighter than regular cow’s milk but it had an apparent sweetness to it as well as a sublime creaminess. Both Benjamin and Astrid proceeded to strip down to the bare for what was gong to be a very intense moment only the gods and goddesses could enjoy.


Benjamin slowly stripped Astrid of her dark blue dress which was stained of her mother milk but before he had a handle of her dress, he reached towards her panties and pulled down the panties to her ankles. The white panties were off of her body and he grabbed them and felt a particular moisture on them. He observed a prominent wet spot and touched it, and when he pulled his finger away from the panties, he saw a sticky film which extended up to a foot from her panties. 

He then proceeded to smell them, wanting to sense her feminine essence just from the panties. Sniffing them made his semi-erect clack cock hard again and his balls were massively producing copious amounts of sperm. Astrid was getting turned on while he was smelling her panties and got wetter when she saw him doing this. Benjamin managed to get the rest of her blue dress off as he took of the rest of his apparel, and with both of them now officially nude, they glanced at their bodies, admiring their color contrast, and without holding out, kissed passionately, feeling their wet and soft lips making contact with one another and their chests bumping into one another, slowly grinding their celestial bodies into an never-ending lust for one another. 

Benjamin later grabbed her by her ample rump while she wrapped her legs around his torso as he carried her to her bedroom while they still kissed. Once they reached Astrid’s bedroom, he sat at the edge of the bed and Astrid was still on him. With her tits in full display and the natural light hitting their bodies, Benjamin reached toward her left tit and suckled on the nipple, extracting her mother’s milk and drinking it. She derived great pleasure just by it and started to moan as her left tit was getting fully erect by his tongue and his mouth. He alternated to the right and felt a noticeable difference between the left and right tit, as the right one was slightly bigger and the right nipple felt different than the left one, but both tits gave a copious amount of milk.

Astrid was bewildered why she was producing milk when she was never pregnant to begin with, but as a goddess, it didn’t matter since her body was free to do whatever. She also licked Benjamin’s nipples, as erect as hers, and sucked them like a baby. He groaned a little bit and proceeded to once again milk her heavy udders. They found themselves rubbing their nipples with their thumbs, rubbing and pressing on them for pressure and Astrid was closing her eyes and lightly moaned, her body was possessed with wanton bliss and pleasure. She softly pressed his nipples and both of them started to feel a wave of heat which took control of their quivering bodies.

They briefly kissed again and hugged themselves, with Benjamin rubbing her ass with his strong hands and her placing her hands on his upper backside. Their chests, once again rubbed on each other, both chests slightly sticking to one another like velcro. She felt the erect member pressing on her lower belly and stopped kissing to notice his immense size. His manhood was even way more impressive than Or’s, with the head being bigger and the shaft contained more veins which continually pumped fresh blood through his erection and back. However what was most impressive was the size of Benjmain’s balls, which were the size of large eggs. She cupped them with her hands and weighed them, impressed that this man could possibly imregnate a village with just the size of his balls alone.

She squeezed them feeling their heaviness and juggled them impressed by the massive weight of his balls. He let his head back and felt the jolt of pleasure as she sucked off his big black cock and squeezed his balls so he could ejaculate into her mouth. He groaned, albeit not as loudly as her, and breathed heavily, feeling her suck on his pulsating member like a baby sucking on a bottle. Her soft lips slowly derived pressure onto his body and she felt the foreskin being pulled back and forth along his erection. She them proceeded to lick and softly sucked on his big balls, with him finally laughing and moaning at the same time until he couldn’t even take it anymore.

Astrid was getting wetter and wetter until she came on the ground. She squirted on the floor, her pussy being tickled pink of just the sheer massiveness of Benjamin’s big black cock. He stepped away and observed the wet spot, on the floor, He placed his finger on the wet spot and inched to his nose, smelling it and it didn’t smell like urine, but a clear fluid which he determined was come from her G-spot. He proceeded to lead her to the bed and told her to go  on all fours, which she did, revealing her already wet, creamy pussy.

Benjamin observed her wide, ample rump and how it reminded him of a rump of a mare and massaged her soft white glutes, admiring the whiteness and the softness of them. He rubbed on them and proceeded to massage her thick thighs one at a time with both his hands. Her pussy was tingling, the foreplay was heating her body up and playing with her mind while her soul was just starting to be slowly ravaged by Ogun. Benjamin massaged for a few and proceeded to play with her puckering asshole. He slowly lowered his fingers to her pussy and lightly rubbed onto her womanhood, feeling her infinite softness and working his finger to her clit, rubbing ever so lightly as to get her to come again. 

After playing with Astrid’s pussy, he sniffed her ass, inhaling the olfactory goodness of her pungent anal hormones and as he savored the natural scent of her ass, he licked her asshole, tasting the flavor and enjoying the tenderness of her ass. He lowered his tongue and tasted the wet pussy, tracing his tongue in and out of her sloppy pussy. He alternated between her love canal and her clit, wondering which would get her to come quicker. She quivered at the amount of pleasure he was giving her, knowing she wanted to fuck soon however a sudden jolt of ecstasy took over her body and she grinded her ass through Benjamin’s face and she came again. After what seemed to be almost a half hour of foreplay, the passionate couple was ready to copulate.


With his fully erect black cock in hand, Benjamin proceeded to softly and slowly penetrate into Astrid’s lush, wet white Nordic pussy and the initial stroke felt soft and warm for Benjamin, for her pussy slowly accommodated his shaft, while Benjamin slowly stroked his black cock just to be fully accommodated.After a few minutes, her pussy stretched to the point where they were both balls deep on Benjamin’s big black cock, now grinding and stroking while Benjamin kneaded his hands on her soft, fleshy derriere. Her ass bounced with vigor and energy as she set to please herself bouncing on his cock.

They fucked for a few, mainly very slowly and for a brief moment quickly, but just enough for the both of them to enjoy each stroke. Benjamin altered his stroke and his position by stretching his legs to frame her ass and himself by raising his body high and now aggressively fucking her with deep, long strokes, she started to get wetter to the point of her pussy tightening and at the moment, came very hard as his big balls slammed into her clit. Next, they spooned for a few minutes, embracing their sexual energies as both stroked each other as their moist genitals creamed and churned, Astrid hoping that Benjamin would come deep inside her sacred womb soon.

The couple felt like two horses mating on the open range, except that with the two, it seemed to take forever since both of them didn’t want it to end. After the spoon, Benjamin placed himself on the edge of the bed and motioned for Astrid to sit on his cock, which she did as she straddled his cock and bounced her bottom up and down. He observed her white bottom bouncing on his black body and both savored the moment with Astrid enjoying his rock hard cock and Benjamin visually turned on  by her big bouncing white ass and her warm and wet pussy.

He motioned over to turn over so he can gain access to her milky udders again and Astrid straddled his cock again. Their unbridled passion contained absolutely no inhibitions, as both of them grinded and Astrid’s moans and groans were getting louder as she sped her strokes, making sure Benjamin was hard as a rock. He reached over and grabbed her swaying tits, and reached over to her left tit and sucked whatever available milk there was, which was plenty while he grasped, squeezed, and kneaded her bottom like it was pizza dough.

Both felt like cumming however Benjamin motioned for Astrid to wrap her legs around her torso one last time, which she did, and lifted her off the bed and grabbed her thighs, deeply stroking her while she was mid-air, her ass jiggling and her screams reaching the loudest apex. After what seemed to be almost an hour of lovemaking, both Benjamin and Astrid decided to fuck each other missionary. It was slow and intense, his big tightening balls meant to bring them into final orgasm. As his slow strokes started to impale Astrid and as Astrid’s tightening vagina was about to milk Benjamin’s cock of his virile semen, he wanted to enjoy her phat ass one last time, and gulped down the last of her sweet maternal milk.

She once again positioned herself in the doggystyle position, while Benjamin proceeded to stroke her, intending to inseminate her fertile Swedish womb with his big black breeding cock. He slowed his strokes so his erection could get fully hard again and once it did, he sped it up, feeling his balls tighten again and pounded her pussy waiting for her to come once more. Her pussy heated up and her screams intensified, so loud it made the birds chirp and the bunnies scatter for safety. As both of them vigorously pounded one another to achieve their final orgasm, her pusy tightened like a vise and his big full balls greatly contracted as as Benjamin couldn’t hold his jazz anymore, he told her he was going to cum, as as Benjamin finally felt that he was about the cum, he placed the tip of his dick to the cervical wall and pressed it, making sure that his seed was going to fertilize her womb and as both of them let out a very loud moan, Benjamin finally released his ejaculation deep int her, mixing his screams along with hers and their love juices mixed inside her, the vast amount of semen searching for the egg to fertilize, and ensuring that Astrid Berg would finally become pregnant.


After the intense sex session, both Astrid and Benjamin were exhausted , their energies completely sapped by the powerful fucking they performed for a little over an hour. Astrid quickly forgot about Or, the Norse god of valiance and always wondered why Or was a lesser god than Thor and Odin but she quickly forgot about Or and embraced Ogun, the god of war, steel and virility. Benjamin felt at peace with himself, for finally meeting Astrid and for finally making a baby with such a divine woman like herself. Both of them kissed, softly this time and as soon as they wanted to sleep, they spooned, not wanting to allow even a drop of his semen to leave her womb. Both Astrid and Benjamin slept the most serene sleep they had in a long time as the sun finally set and darkness dominated the landscape.

After the moment for 8 hours, both woke up again, both noticing the sky getting lighter as sunrise was approaching, both tired, but both interested and Benjamin finally mounting her once more to release even more cum into her already fertilized womb. The strokes were much slower than last time, but just as intense and as Benjamin felt her soft pussy squeeze his dick and milk his cum into her pussy. He noticed her ass and kneaded her, savoring her softness as his dick hardened for yet another load. Once the tenth minute approached, Benjamin was ready to once again come inside her sloppy pussy and as his balls filled up again with fresh cum, Benjamin sped his stroked until he could feel his balls tighten and as he quickened his fucking, he was able to produce another large load of cum into Astrid’s soft vagina.

Astrid was still tired, but Benjamin was pretty much awake and stepped into the bathroom and took a brief shower, making sure he was clean from head to toe. He took a clean towel and dried himself, tying the towel around his waist and went into the kitchen and helped himself with some orange juice and some bagels she left. He ate a quick breakfast and once he finished it, he retired back to bed while Astrid slept like a baby. He concentrated on getting enough rest, knowing that he was in a dream world, but this time felt like reality. Benjamin was finally able to nap for a couple of hours.

As soon as what appeared to be ten o’clock approached the alarm, both Benjamin woke up but Astrid snoozed the alarm and woke up. Benjamin was already awake but concentrated on sleeping. Astrid took her naked body and brushed her teeth, used the toilet, and showered her body. After she finished her daily routine, she went to the kitchen a cooked breakfast. When Benjamin woke up, she served him a small breakfast of fruit and two waffles, to which he enjoyed with a full glass of her freshly squeezed breast milk.

Later throughout the day, the two walked about the countryside in the buff, along the lakeshore enjoying the serene ambience of Valhalla. The continued to walk when they both encountered a black stallion and a white mare and the black stallion’s big black balls were present through its hinds. Astrid walked up to the horse and carefully fondled and weighed the stallion’s testicles with her bare hand, measuring the even huger testicles and getting turned on by the immense size of the stallion’s balls. The white mare’s vagina dilated and moisturized, signaling her acceptance to allow the stallion to enter and breed her, allowing an even superior horse to be gestated and born.

The black stallion sniffed the mare’s tail, then it licked the loins of the white mare as it’s pistle was presently erect. After the brief foreplay between the two horses, the stallion started to mount the mare and proceeded to breed the fertile mare. For five short, but hot minutes, the stallion pounded his pistle inside the mare’s womb, his balls bouncing violently and aggressively until both the stallion and the mare both orgasmed, both horses braying and heehawing with pleasure, mixing their holy juices to ensure yet another offspring.

Sex is the greatest gift that the gods and the spirits could give mankind, to have a brief moment of passion and pleasure in a world of persecution and paradoxes. Sex is the only way mankind can survive. And sex is the only way a female can truly encounter her inner masculine with her stud and a man can encounter his inner feminine with his mare. The moment between the black stallion and the white mare was the perfect metaphor between Astrid (Freya) and Benjamin (Ogun). How mixing Sweden and Africa, America with Argentina, Caribbean with South American, and lastly black and white may be G-D’s true intent for peace, freedom, and love rather than strife, slavery, and hate. 

Astrid and Benjamin being turned on by the horses wild romp walked back to the lakeshore and started to make their own romp, without a care of the world as their celestial bodies meshed once more and their loins interlocked, producing yet another batch of seed and cream. After the days, Benjamin departed, fully clothed as Astrid waved goodbye as he marched on to another world. He also carried a parting away gift: two gallons of Astrid’s maternal milk, one in each hand. He marched on while Astrid wondered when he’ll return, his baby already forming deep in her fertile womb.

Astrid retired to her bed, knowing that Or may never come back, but her future seemed brighter as she saw dusk already beginning as the last of the sunset ended. She slept peacefully. As for Benjamin, he found a dark tunnel and went inside, little did hr know that the divine mixing of black and white that he experienced would only be the tip of the iceberg. He saw a light, the end of the tunnel and entered it, the light once more getting intense as soon as he exited the tunnel.


Astrid woke up, her body drenched with sweat despite the AC being on. It was morning and she saw that she missed yet another appointment for her photoshoot. She called the photographer and told him to cancel for another day, in which he agreed. She changed her sheets and walked to the washer to place her blanket and linen inside and started the washing machine. She went into the shower to wash off the sweat on her body and finished off by drying. She exited the bathroom and covered her body with a towel as she walked to her washer to place her wet sheets into the dryer. 

After she moved mer sheets to the dryer, she took new sheets and started to make her bed. She felt a strange tingling inside her nipples and started to ignore them, but the tingling was stronger as she resisted. Her breasts felt even heavier than before, strange considering she now remembered the dream  that she had, now becoming very vivid in her mind. She remember encountering Ogun and how he ravished her with his huge horse cock  and inseminated her, to which she could still feel.

However, once the tingling started to become so immense, Astrid went to investigate. She took off her towel and started to touch her nipples. She noticed that her double D’s looked and felt heavier. Her nipples were even bigger than before. Her tits sagged and swayed with the heaviness of a pendulum on a clock. She took her tits and pressed on her nipples and noticed a milky substance forming as droplets. She squeezed more firmly and started to see a sudden stream or white fluid coming out of her left tit. She squeezed her right tit and the same result. It was mother’s milk. But how???

She went to the local pharmacy to purchase a pregnancy kit plus some odd items she needed around her beach house. When she came back home, she urinated in the vial as directed and left the pregnancy kit for an hour. She exposed her tits once more, and her tits created a new batch of milk. However she still didn’t understand how she could produce milk, considering she hadn’t slept with anyone in awhile unless the dream that she had may have been real. She heard about women getting pregnant and she didn’t believe she was until the biggest shock would come once the hour for her pregnancy kit results elasped.

She checked the results and saw not one, but two lines, an indicator that she was indeed pregnant. Astrid was shocked and she did now possess a bigger, heavier set of udders that could now produce a huge amount of milk, but the fact that she was now pregnant? She ordered a different pregnancy kit and followed the directs on that one. That kit showed a check mark, insisting that she was pregnant, absolving the assumption that she wasn’t pregnant. She was shocked, but somehow elated, however she was still in reality and even thought about making milking sessions on OnlyFans as an additional source of revenue in addition to her heavier ass.

On the other side of America, Benjamin woke up for what seemed to be a long sleep. He found that his bedroom was dimly lit and attempted to turn on the lamp, when the lightbulb burned out and exploded. Shocked, Benjamin went downstairs in his house and searched for another lightbulb, to which he would find one and change the busted one with the new one. The new lightbulb intensely lit the lamp and Benjamin would now take a shower and once finished, would take his car and go to New York, however once he was about to enter the expressway headed north to NYC, he forgot a few more items and drove back to his house. 

Once he came back home, he entered his house and made sure he didn’t forget anything important for the trip to NYC. He checked the refrigerator  to take something to eat on the way. He checked the freezer, and noticed something odd. While he didn’t really do any groceries for the past two weeks, he noticed two gallons of milk. Benjamin didn’t even recall buying any gallon of milk since he got laid off his job. He took one of the gallons and opened the cork. The gallon was very cold, and it smelled a bit aromatic but fresh. He was intrigued by the gallon and poured a glass of milk just to taste test the milk. It was light, but sweet and very creamy.

All of a sudden, he started to remember a white woman he encountered who wore a winged helmet and had on a blue dress. He drank some more, and the images became even more vivid, as he saw the same woman and her sleigh of two giant cats and he even remembered that he came to the aid of this woman and saved her life from impending danger. He sipped some more and now he was able to remember what she looked like and even her name: Freya.

He drank the rest of the milk and placed the rest of the gallon, still 99% full and fresh. He now have vivid memories of his dream and the milk was giving him further insight. He cancelled the trip and went back to sleep, knowing that his baby will be born in a place called Valhalla. While in the reality, there would be no such thing, he remembered that he would not just have Freya as his only wife, but as Ogun, he would have an abundance of wives in not only Valhalla, but in whatever realm he so desired. He went back to sleep and before he did, he encountered a strange chest sitting in the middle of the room. 

He looked at it and once he opened it, he saw a chest full of gold. He didn’t know what to do, but he hid it from plain view, fearing that outsiders would steal the newly found treasure. He slept and was now able to dream very vividly of new lands and new places, discovering  and encountering new peoples, and was even able to travel through time and salvage his job as a taxi job and even invest in stocks and bonds that he was never able to invest before.

Astrid was getting pregnant and by the ninth month, it was apparent that she was due to deliver the baby. She went into labor pains and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. She delivered the baby along the way to the hospital and once shelve a final push, delivered the baby in the ambulance. The newborn baby was crying and the doctor in the ambulance cleaned up the baby and cut of the umbilical cord. She announced that the baby was a baby boy. She held the baby, with curly black hair, and to silence the crying newborn, suckled him and named him Thorogun, after  the Norse and the Yoruba gods. 

She went into intensive care and spent about a week in intensive care. She came out and still wondered who was the father and when she went out into the night with her bundle of joy and ordered a taxi, she saw a bright North Star, and a shimmering comet soaring over the brightly lit skies like a supernova. She told the taxi driver to take her home and suckled her newborn baby boy, making sure he was going to get his just nutrients everyday. She also knew in the back of her mind, that she was going to encounter her true love, Ogun and display her newborn son for his glory.



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