BLACKS AND BLONDES

                                                                                                      By Studman69

Lamar - Studman69
Audrey - Audrey Blake

M/F, cons, I/r, preg

*this story contains some strong language, which wasn’t really my intent for the story, but just wanted to make it exciting. The language doesn’t involve anything with the female protagonist, so relax.

Chapter I

    The West Coast was very, very different for Lamar, a born and bred Brooklynite who took a trucking job from New York all the way to the furthest reaches of the country. He traveled as far north as Maine and into Halifax, and far south as Miami. He ventured into cities such as Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, Chicago, and St Louis, all the way into Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and San Francisco. Outside of his birthplace of Brooklyn and his current home in Philadelphia, he always preferred Detroit, Buffalo, and especially Miami. Chicago was an interesting place, but the rampant violence as well as the hyper-segregation not only in the city of Chicago but the metropolitan area made it very inhospitable for outsiders like Lamar, whose Brooklyn and Philadelphia accents made him to be an unwelcome outsider. He tried to like St Louis, but it was too country and too hicky at the same time. 

    The South wasn’t as bad as the media made it out to be, but even so, it always had it’s places. Lamar wasn’t a big drinker nor was he really a bar guy, but one time, he went down to a dive bar in Alabama, which was next to a refueling station since the station’s mart was closed and the bar was the only place to purchase something. Knowing Alabama wasn’t exactly the friendliest place for black folks, especially one as urbane as Lamar, he took a try, hoping that he’d get what he wanted and get out. He noticed four motorcycles, a Chevy pickup , and two Ford pickups parked close to the bar. He didn’t notice a “no blacks” sign on the door, so he went. As he went inside the bar, country music was playing in the background, and it wasn’t a packed house but it was pretty occupied of mostly rednecks, no blacks, and only Lamar was the only black man in the bar. As soon as he entered, the patrons, both men and women stopped talking, stopped dancing, and even stopped laughing and paused at what he was going to do. 

    Lamar walked up to the bartender, hoping the transaction would go smoothly and peacefully. The bartender, who was 5’8’’ to Lamar’s 6’2”, was intimidated by his height, but the fact that there was about 20 men and 7 women made the bartender bold that nothing was going to happen to him, especially in the Alabama night. Lamar told the bartender that since the gas mart was closed, he just wanted to get some juice, and even two Bud Ice cans. The bartender told him, “Look boy. Do you know where you are? This is a sundown town and I’ll take your money, but if you don’t get out of here within five minutes, you’re gonna be the next one that’s gonna be forbidden fruit.” Lamar, knowing where he was at, declined to make a transaction and told the bartender that he’ll go to another shop since this isn’t where he wanted to go in the first place.

    Lamar left the place and saw that his trailer was already full. He thanked the Sikh guy and questioned him, “How do you make business here with them rednecked people?” The gas attendant replied, “I just keep to myself and when I’m done for the day, I go home.” Know that it was 1 AM and headed to New Orleans, Lamar thanked the man and gave him a nice 20% tip and stepped into his trailer and started the ignition, which was already full of diesel fuel. As he pulled out of the gas station, one of the yahoos came out of the bar came out and told the gas attendant, “Look Apu! You knew better than to serve them niggers, you know the rules. Why did you allow him to even come here?” “I didn’t. He’s a trucker and an outsider but you know that I can’t turn down any money, even if it comes from a black man.” “I don’t care where he’s from and what he does, Apu! You know better than that. How many times do we gotta warn ya?” “Sorry Slayton, but my family is starving right now and I badly need the money to pay for the mortgage and the food for my children. I just couldn’t turn him down.” “Damn you, Apu!!!”

    Feeling slighted that a black man, let alone, an urbane black man from the North would have enough nerve to come into the establishment for whatever purpose, especially since Sumter, AL was supposed to be a strict sundown town, meaning no blacks were allowed to come here after the sunrise, even if it was outsiders from the North. Slayton went into his motorcycle and ordered his pal to trail him and hopefully exert his own justice. Apu warned, “Slayton, you know he’s not from around here. Let him go!!!” “FUCK YOU APU AND FUCK YOUR FAMILY!!!”, Slayton shouted, and he and his pals went into  the highway looking to exert vigilante justice onto the uninformed driver. As Lamar approached the semaphore, he tried to beat the light but noticed that the light was about to turn yellow. Being in the South, and knowing how many of the deputies were strict on the traffic laws, even if you sped 1 mile above the speed limit, he scanned for patrol cars but couldn’t even look due to the woods. He tried to speed up, knowing that he was only 1/2 mile to the onramp of I-20 South. He wanted to hit the pedal, but didn’t want to speed, but his best efforts, the light turned red, and Lamar hit the breaks, hearing his tires screech on the asphalt. He was able to finally stop, the trailer just slightly over the traffic line. He backed up a little bit and looked for any patrolmen. None were in the vicinity and Lamar felt he was lucky. 

    As the light turned green, Lamar sped up, hoping to make the onramp, but as he was about to make the approach, he saw police lights tailing him. Thinking that it may be for him, Lamar couldn’t believe it, as he was actually within the limits as far as speed went and even stopped right before the intersection. He pulled over, hoping to get a quick routine. The patrolman flashed his floodlights while Lamar took out his registration, his license, and insurance hoping that it would be a quick one. The patrolman approached the parked trailer and talked to him. “Hello, Mister! Can I see your license, registration, and insurance, mister?” Lamar gave him his documents and just as he was about to possibly expect the worst, the patrolman received a call of emergency “OFFICER DOWN! OFFICER DOWN! REPORT TO I-20 NORTH IMMEDIATELY!” The officer quickly responded to dispatch and told Lamar that he was very lucky because he was considering writing him a ticket and quickly made a U-turn.

    There was great relief. However, just about a half mile away, Slayton and his gang spotted Lamar’s trailer just about to approach the onramp. “Haha, we’re gonna get the nigger. We’re gonna teach him never to come down here.” As Lamar came up to the onramp, he spotted four motorcycles speeding up very rapidly. He had a gut instinct that they weren’t patrolman, since many of the highway patrol we supposed to assist the fallen officer, so he sped up to the onramp, but the motorcycles were coming so fast, he wasn’t sure if they were trying to beat him to the freeway or he was being chased, but he sped up on the onramp, not sure which was which. However the motorcycles gained top speed and as he finally got on the freeway, he saw the four headlights of the motorcycles tailing his trailer very closely. Lamar was now sure that he was in danger, not knowing what he was up to. 

    One of his gang pulled out a gun and tried to fire at him, missing while they were in motion. Lamar’s adrenaline was running, now not even giving a damn about a ticket, and hightailing his trailer as fast as he could possibly get it to go. Unfortunately, it could only go as fast as 90 MPH but Lamar didn’t give a fuck, knowing that his life was about to be in danger. Luckily, there wasn’t a major turn for another 28 miles, so Lamar hightailed his trailer, hoping that somehow, someway, he’d lose the four and get out to safety. He had enough gas that would get him to New Orleans and then some, knowing that he outfitted his trailer with an extra fuel tank designed to keep him on the road for longer hours without refueling. After one of the  henchmen ran out of bullets, “Slayton I don’t have anymore!” “You better hope you have a fully loaded magazine because I wanna kill that damned nigger, even if I have to do it myself!!!” The henchman searched desperately for another loaded magazine, hopefully to get their target as well as the quell down Slayton’s growing anger and animosity. "Okay Slayton, I got it!!!” The henchman quickly placed the magazine inside the Magnum and the magazine was luckily fully loaded, to his and Slayton’s relief, hoping that this would be their lucky moment.

    After the henchman placed the magazine inside the pistol, Slayton quickly told him to toss the gun. He complied and flinged the pistol over to Slayton. “I’m gonna show you how to really do this, you bubblehead!!!” And Slayton sped to his fastest he could go on his highway while the other three trailed Slayton, hoping to reach their target as well by speeding up to the trailer. Lamar was only 5 miles to the Mississippi - Alabama border but the difference was thatches weren’t state patrolmen but a gang, and as Lamar finally realized, it was more than likely the four motorcyclists he encountered from the bar since he remembered the four right next to him when he tried to talk to the bartender. He hit the gas even harder and once he saw one of the henchmen trying to tail him, Lamar hit his breaks, while the other three tried to race to him. Slayton tried to go for the driver side window, but he only hit the upper left corner instead. As Lamar breaked his trailer, he was able to finally close ranks with the real motorcyclist, making him swerve to the passing lane. The rear motorcyclist tried to regain control, avoiding the trailer’s bumper, but instead skidded into the median.

    As the other three tried to get to him, Slayton and the henchmen to Lamar’s left side and another one riding on the shoulder, Lamar was desperately trying to evade the three but didn’t even know what the hell to do since he didn’t have his gun with him and knowing that he did have some metal Roda available to him, he reached over, hoping that it would make the other three meet the same fate that the fourth motorcyclist already been in. Lamar opened his window, hoping that by throwing tacks on the ground, that it would foil their plan to exert great danger to Lamar. He took some thumbtacks and tossed it to his left and right, hoping that it would stop them. As the tacks landed on the asphalt, Slayton wasn’t sure what Lamar was doing, but the henchmen started to notice that his tires started to pop, and despite trying to catch up to the trailer, the henchmen lost control of his bike and flipped over, going airborne until he landed headfirst, ending his miserable life. His deflated motorcycle landed 1/4 mile back, hitting the ground and exploding on contact. The other motorcyclist to his right seemed to gain distance and grabbed his tire iron, hoping to break open his window, but as Lamar noticed that there was danger to both his left and right sides with both motorcyclists edging towards his windows, Lamar made a quick reflex, swerving his trailer first to the left and through the right, finally making contact with the right side motorcyclist, making him lose his motorcycle and forcing him to go top speed into the railing, his body being amputated in half, with the top half falling into a nearby creek and the bottom half sliding on the asphalt.

    Slayton was the only one who was still alive and he was very determined to kill Lamar, knowing that the henchmen, including his brother to the right was amputated. Now he wanted raw blood and willing to get it. Lamar saw the Mississippi border sign approaching and sped his trailer as fast as he could, knowing that speeding won’t really do him any good, but he knew that a curve was coming and he hoped that the curve would actually make the motorcyclist swerve or lost control. As Slayton though about crossing the border, he thought about the fact about crossing the state border would be a violation of his parole agreement, but now he didn’t even give a fuck, know that three of his boys were more than likely dead and now it was his time to exert revenge, whether it was him or the truck driver. As both men crossed the state border, both knew that it was do or die. Slayton now proceeded to use his pistol and kill Lamar, however Lamar used his trailer to swerve , hoping that it would take Slayton off course. Determined to finally kill his intended target, Slayton fired some shots, trying to hit the window. He tried to fire at the fuel tank but was unsuccessful, hitting the ground and tried to fire at the tires, but couldn’t get any shots. He knew he had two bullets left and went at the windows.

    Slayton was able to get only the flange of the left side window, so he had one last bullet to use. He knew that he was almost out of bullets so he sped his motorcycle to the trailer’s left side window and gotten his tire iron and tried to do some daredevil stuff, but there was a sudden curve and as Lamar sensed that Slayton was going for the kill, Lamar swerved to the left, and then straightened his trailer, knocking Slayton off his course and had him flying to the ground, instantly killing him as the motorcycle came crashing down at the same site where Slayton fell, exploding to pieces. As Lamar seen from his rear view window, he knew that he was moving at a high rate of speed and continued. Luckily for him, there were no troopers along I-20 on the way to New Orleans.

Chapter II

    Despite the hard life, Lamar was getting tired of the Southern route and instead went further West. At first, he checked out San Francisco, which was an interesting city. Even though it provided the same amenities as New York, Philadelphia, and DC, it didn’t provide anything as far as dating, especially for a heterosexual man like himself. And you could forget it since there weren’t any cakes on the women. Until one of them wiped him to the Pacific Northwest. One black man who went there told him the amount of thick and curvy white women out there. At first, Lamar was skeptical about that fact, but when he seen the pictures of some of the white women, Lamar was aghast and couldn’t believe his eyes. He’s heard of some PAWG celebrities such as Randalin and Mall Malloy, both from the Northwest, but the fact of seeing somany thick and curvy white women blew his mind. 

    While Portland and Seattle was known for rainy seasons, and the weather wasn’t known for sunny weather, the fact of seeing redheads and blondes with bodies like sisters instantly appealed to Lamar. So Lamar decided to check it out for the weekend and see what was up. He checked out some swinger ads for the Northwest and couldn’t believe it. Many of the women out there were pretty thick. There were some ducks and some hags out there, but the women blew his mind out there. 

    One of the women was a peroxide blonde who went by the name of Audrey. He knew the West Coast was completely different than the West Coast. The best Lamar could come up with on the East Coast was Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and some Italians. The West Coast had women who looked like Pamela Anderson who wanted black cock. It was like looking at the Playboy Chaneel and seeing some of your playmates and actually feeling, hugging, smelling, and even tasting the Playmates. He actually called Audrey and when Audrey answered her phone, they both conversed. Audrey was actually a swinger and they both traded pics. Lamar admitted he did like brunettes, as most of his love interests was a brunette, but she was a blonde and a peroxide at that. 

    They was both trading pics, and while he was sending some of his best, she traded some of her best. First of all, she had a bigger ass than her friends, and while Lamar loved seeing her friends asses, hers stood out solely for the shape. Also, seeing the blonde hair, the soft skin and the phat ass did make his balls generate more semen for their future rendezvous and when Audrey saw his muscular body, she knew that she had what she was looking for. Even though she gotten attention from both black and white men, it always seemed that she got hit by more black men due to her ass. For white men, it was more the fact that she was a blonde, but blacks always tried to get at a big booty blonde, and while Audrey grew up in lily white Oregon, and she never really noticed she had a big butt, until she went from her town to Portland, where she encountered some black men. 

    But even so, she was still self conscious about her butt, to the point of never sleeping with one despite her carnal craving for black meat, but seeing Lamar’s BBC made her even more curious about not just seeing Lamar’s BBC, but his massive balls even piqued her interest in black men. During the time she grew up in small town Oregon, she would always watch the Portland Trail Blazers, and she would watch MTV, and that was her window to black society. Small town Oregon had no black guys, but the blondes always were the most popular, and lucky for her, she was popular, until that big butt started to grow on her during high school. Even though she was one of the most popular girls in high school, she always was made fun of her butt. Now she was going to experience what seemed to be her first black cock by a professional black breeder by the name of Lamar.

Chapter III

    Lamar drove his trailer from SF to what seemed to be the suburbs of Portland. During his long trip, he went through a lot of woods, and in the middle of the trip, he encountered a lot of rain along the way. An Oregon way different for him, as he didn’t even encounter a black face, so despite it’s reputation of being progressive, he was still on guard considering there were stories about some black guys who never came back, but as he gotten near Portland, there was relief. He called Audrey and told her he was on his way and was going to meet her at a spot he reserved overlooking the Columbia River. The place he was about to stay was modest, but spacious, and once he reached his place, to the west, he saw a lot of trees, and to his left, he could see the city of Portland. He decided to take a rest and waited for Audrey to come later tonight. 

    Audrey knew that she was fertile and even though she wanted to experience her first BBC, she knew she didn’t want to be pregnant, but still wanted to feel that BBC deep inside her warm blonde pussy. She heard about black guys from her friends to even some of her relatives and not only were they considered better fuckers, but better lovers, even as some of her friends were married to white husbands. But sometimes there would be stories about love children between black men and white women, and it was too hot to resist, as her mind was telling her no, but just the stems stories had her pussy moist, and knowing she was a blonde, and it seemed that black guys had their way with blondes, as soon as she injected her panties, her panties already creamed just by the thought of thinking about a black man impregnating her fertile white womb. Audrey was going to see what the commotion was about black men. She woke up from her nap and let Lamar know that she was getting ready to see. Lamar messaged her that he was waiting and Audrey prepared herself, taking a lukewarm shower and shampooing her golden blonde hair. She shaved off whatever stubble that was on her pussy until it was soft as a baby and after he scrubbed herself from head to toe, she rinsed off whatever suds was on her luscious body and dried herself with a clean towel.

    She blowdried her golden hair and put some makeup on her face. While still naked, she wore a ice blue thong and placed and ice blue bra, and put on blue yoga pants accentuate her ass and a white shirt on. She observed herself throughout the mirror and knew she was going to have the time of her life. She loved her man, but wanted to experience what would be the wildest moment of her young life. She grabbed a jacket and left her condo. She drove to Lamar’s room in her Jeep SUV and headed to hi place, knowing that her coochie was already heating up just at the thought of having her pussy penetrated by a hard black dick.

    Lamar already cleansed his body and was soaking wet as he dried himself up and groomed himself to perfection. He shaved and trimmed his razor thin beard and dried up his muscular body. He put on a clean set of boxers, socks, and pants ready to encounter his blonde love interest. After his grooming, he lied on the bed and took a look at is iPhone and checked out Audrey’s pics. He still couldn’t believe what he was looking at:a blonde PAWG, and she was going to be coming at any moment. One pic which caught his eye was when she was on the beach with a black knit cap, spreading her ass for the world to see. Just the simplicity alone made Lamar’s cock stand to attention knowing that her ass was about to get sniffed and taste tested by Lamar’s roving nose and tongue.

    Once Audrey parked her SUV, she came to the hotel and called Lamar through his phone. Lamar answered, “What’s up, beautiful? You’re here already? Wow that was quick!” “I know, I’m from around here. Can’t wait to taste that candy bar you call a cock. Where’s your room at?” “I’m on the 10th floor, baby. Room 1010” “Okay, sexy. Can’t wait to see you!” As Audrey went to the elevator, she knew she was going to be taking a huge risk getting plowed and possibly pregged by a black guy, let alone a black guy from the East Coast. Lamar knew that he was going to be getting another PAWG he was going to preg, this time a blonde PAWG, and both of their lives were going to change once both of them met.

Chapter IV

    Once Audrey reached, Room 1010, she knocked on the door. Lamar, upon hearing her knocks, got ready, opening the door and finding a 5’4, 180 lbs blonde with a body of a goddess. Her measurements were 36D-26-48, and she was even more beautiful than what the pics portrayed her to be. She was in turn awestruck about his body and couldn’t wait to get him out of his clothes. She came in and he offered her a nice drink of Hennessey, to which she declined. “Sorry baby, but I’m good. How do you like Oregon?” “Let’s just say it was raining like crazy. I had a lot of problems along the way until know. My, my!!! You’re looking very soft and sexy at that, Audrey! I can’t believe those curves, where did you get them?” “I got them from mother, I guess. That, and the fact that we’re pretty cornfed up in Oregon. Can’t say the same about the women in California.” They both giggled as he related his stories about the women in CA.

    She observed his tall, muscular body in comparison to her petite, curvy body. He escorted her to the room and shut the door so nobody could bother the two. He looked at her brown and and her flaxen hair and before both could talk, he kissed her softly, feeling her pink lips touch his black lips. Before she wanted to speak, his kiss caught her by surprise, but it felt so good feeling his lips and at the same time, he moved his hands from her waist to her hips, caressing her soft hips through her yoga pants. His hands were feeling her soft white body from her shoulders down to her hips. As his hands roamed alongside her hips, he slowly and smoothly kneaded her tender derriere, squeezing the incredibly soft appendages and at the same time, stopping the passionate kiss and observing her wide hips and noticing how big her derriere was. 

    Lamar turned her around and got a full view of her derriere. It was very full and looked like it was going to burst out. As much as he wanted to tear her pants off, he briefly brought her closer and dry humped her ass, feeling the semi-erect member getting harder and driving his hormones to a high rate.. He kissed her neck, and nuzzled her golden blonde hair, seeing her flaxen locks play around his face while he continually sucked her neck and her cheeks while she lightly moaned. Audrey was starting to moisten between her loins, her curiosity of big black cock was starting to stir throughout her body every second and she couldn’t bear to wait any longer.

    “Please take me, Lamar!!! I can’t wait any longer!!!” He stopped necking her and once again focused on her ample derriere. He slowly peeled off her yoga pants and revealed a light blue Calvin Klein thong and two fleshy appendages which made up her ripe, fertile bottom. He peeled her bra off, revealing her soft white breasts and he pulled down his sweatpants and his boxers and revealed an already hard erection and closed in on her and gradually rubbed his erection between her cheeks, making her moan lightly as he reached for her shirt and quickly revealed her covered top. Lamar continually rubbed on her ass until he coated parts of her derriere with some pre cum.

    Audrey turned around and saw Lamar’s nude body and observed his well hung cock and balls, now semi erect, swinging side to side, up to 10 inches of pleasure waiting for her and his big balls full of sperm waiting to fertilize her already fertile womb. She kneeled just to get a closer look at her lover’s package and juggled his balls with her right hand, feeling and weighing the fullness of Lamar’s balls.  She was greatly impressed just by his size and licked his balls. She stoked his pulsating black cock with her left and sucked his cock head while still squeezing his burgeoning balls. Tasting his cock in her mouth got Audrey even wetter and her pussy leaked of her come.

    She sucked for a couple more minutes until Lamar brought her up and briefly kissed her again once more, now this time peeling of her thong fully and now the two were fully nude, their bodies meshed as her blonde hair and milky white skin greatly contrasted against his black cornrowed hair and chocolate body, her breasts smashing against his chest and her naked bottom being stroked by his aggressive hands. He reached over to one of her breasts and fondled and sucked on her pink nipple, observing the nipple getting very erect and focusing his same energy on the other nipple. They both rubbed on their nipples with their hands briefly, then the two enamored duo made their way to the bed, where Lamar now focused his sexual energy on her ass.

    Lamar ordered her to get on all fours on the bed, revealing her already moistened pussy and her puckering asshole. He kneeled at the side of the bed and sniffed her ass, inhaling her fragrant pheromones By that moment of smelling her buns, Lamar wanted to badly inseminate her with his potent seed, and kissed each butt cheek, teasing her, then licked and tasted her asshole, tasting the sweaty and soft flavor of her pheromonal ass. He moved his tongue down to her wet and inviting pussy and worked his tongue on her clit, tasting the juices and making her moan with pleasure. She bumped her ass on his face and after a couple minutes, she came, coating her pussy with natural lube and her pussy getting stickier and creamier as he tasted her wetness. 

    After tasting her pussy, Lamar pressed his thumb on her clit making Audrey come again and then inserted his index finger into her quivering vulva, feeling her hot sheath getting creamier by every inch of his prodding finger. She came, anticipating Lamar’s cock already getting hard with the energy of her wetness drawing the both of them to their lusts. As Lamar’s cock got hard and his balls filling up with potent sperm, he stood up with her ass already primed and pressed his cock head on her vulva and slowly but surely, inserted his member inside her until his member popped her white interracial cherry and gradually penetrated her sheath, the initial thrust probably the best moment for the two, as Lamar finally felt her warm and wet walls squeezing his member as he now slowly penetrated inside and out, hearing her soft and delightful moans of desire and pleasure.

    Audrey felt his pulsating cock and bounced her ass on his dick, wanting to crave every inch of his veined wonder pounding her creamy cooze, her plump ass getting squeezed by Lamar’s hands. The gradual thrusts finally sped up, as Lamar penetrated her harder, his shaft went all the way balls deep, as he churned his member into Audrey’s wanton womb. Audrey was coming twice, her walls grasped his member, trying to make him come at the same time, but with little luck. Moaning and groaning even loudly than ever to the point where the whole floor could hear them, she was already overpowered by Lamar’s dick, as even her boyfriend couldn’t even give her that much pleasure compared to Lamar. She couldn’t believe that, finally, she was getting her taste and her experience with a hung black stud like Lamar. Not even five minutes, she wanted to feel Lamar’s jizz inside of her womb, but Lamar’s cock wouldn’t even explode inside of her yet, as there was much more cock that she was going to enjoy.

    After ten minutes of doggystyle pleasure, the amorous couple relaxed, and Audrey sat at the edge with her black lover, looking at Lamar’s throbbing ebony cock, already wet and sloppy with her love juices. She stroked his cock and later laid down on her belly and sucked his dick again, wanting to taste his rock hard erection. She sucked for a few minutes, and briefly licked his balls, hoping that his balls would explode with the pent up spunk, but with little luck, Audrey sucked again until Lamar decided to enjoy her pink wet pussy again. Lamar motioned her ass to his face as he lied down, placing the pillow on his head, and allowed her to suck his dick. He took a look at her pink pussy and placed his tongue on her clit, licking her love knob and both of them 69ed each other for a good five minutes, tasting their flavors.

    Lamar wanted to fuck again and motioned for Audrey to straddle him. She took his dick and inserted it reverse cowgirl style as Lamar observed her white ass bouncing and gyrating on his dick, reheating her loins and making her moan with pleasure. She bounced harder, her white ass greatly contrasting with his chocolate body. He spanked her ass, revealing a crimson mark on her derriere and repeated the spank on her other side until both sides were red with pain and pleasure.

    “Oh my God! Please cum Lamar!!! I can’t take this dick any longer!!! Please cum inside me!!! I don’t care what you do to me, just don’t pull out of me!” Her initial concerns about getting pregnant with another man, let alone with a black man, especially when she was already committed with her boyfriend, made her guilty mentally, but her desires to be ravaged by such a big, black stud like Lamar eased her physically, as she bounced and bounced, the wild and primal experience deep down made her accept the fact that the black man that she was fucking was a superior specimen meant to be be bred by not just her, but many other wanton white women like her.

    She turned around into cowgirl position and bounced on his dick. Lamar let he tired body lie down on his body, as the two embraced themselves as Lamar thrusted slowly, but deeply into her cervical wall, hoping that it would finally make him come. What felt like a good hour of fucking was about to be. The orgasm seemingly coming for the both of them, Lamar grinded slowly, making sure that his balls were about to burst in any minute while he built up the pressure inside of his testicles. He grabbed her ass, ready to ejaculate inside of her and sped up his strokes to inseminate Audrey. “Please don’t stop, Lamar! Please!!! Put your black baby inside of me, I want to feel all that come inside of me, baby!!!” Lamar thrusted as hard as he could, trying to grant her final wish as she was orgasming. After a few minutes, Lamar thrusted very quickly until he couldn’t hold it any longer, the pain inside his balls squeezing whatever load he had and when he felt the pressure building up, Lamar, started to loudly moan alongside her, ready to come. “Oh God, it’s coming! IT”S COMING!!!” As Lamar hugged her tightly, the pressure finally subsided, as his balls shot a powerful and creamy jet of semen as both Audrey and Lamar experienced a highly powerful final orgasm. Their screams reverberated inside as Lamar spewed gobfuls of fresh come into her very fertile womb.

    Even though she never planned to get pregnant, Audrey’s physical and spiritual needs overruled whatever thoughts she had against her and she realized what many white women felt once they had experienced a black stud. They continually embraced themselves for a few minutes, Lamar finally exhausted about over a hour of deep, hot, and even sweaty interracial breeding. Audrey could feel what felt like a warm sensation inside her, the ample sperm quantity still filling her womb for a possibly surprise. As both finally gotten tired, they both shared a final kiss, tasting their lips as both finally felt gratified by getting what they wanted. Then both fell asleep, with Lamar’s semi erect dick inside her as they both hugged in peace.

    At sunrise, the Oregon sun pierced the room, as once the sunlight covered both of their sleeping bodies, both Audrey and Lamar woke up, still in their slumber. As both of them finally was fully awake, they decided on a second romp, and with Lamar’s semi-erect cock once again getting hard, Audrey straddled him, bouncing up and down, hoping to get a second load inside her,. The second time was much more slower and less intense than the last time, but both Audrey and Lamar was just as intent on pleasuring themselves as they did last night.. Lamar hugged Audrey and grabbed her by the thighs, lifting her up and letting her briefly bounce on his dick mid-air until he placed her on the bed missionary, her ass on the side of bed.

    Lamar placed his dick inside Audrey, sliding inside her creamy pussy, hoping to cream. After a couple minutes, Lamar decided to flip her body and  fuck her doggystyle, wanting to observe her white ass bounce on his dick. As Audrey bounced her ass, both lovers were again under intense heat, wanting to come again. Audrey moaned, not as loud as last night, but just as intense, her beautiful blonde hair swaying and shaking as it contrasted to her soft white body. Lamar saw his dick pumping inside and out, knowing that his balls were once again going to blow in a few due to her scrumptious ass bouncing and milking his beautiful cock.

    Lamar felt his balls tighten, and as he noticed, he could see her ass shaking and her pussy stretch, knowing that she wanted as second load of his potent black seed. Lamar thrusted harder and faster, and as Audrey’s walls gotten tighter and smaller and her moans getting louder and louder, his balls hitting her clit once more contracted, and as Audrey was going to experience yet a final jolt of orgasm, the feeling transmitted to Lamar, as his balls finally produced a fresh batch and Lamar’s cock exploded inside her, the smaller, but still intense load of come filling Audrey once more as both moaned intensely as Lamar fainted on her back with his dick still inside her, still feeling his semen streaming out of his balls into her womb.

    As the sunrise was complete and the sunlight filled the room with natural rays, the exhausted two finally related their stories and life experiences, and both of them made out once more until Audrey excused herself to the bathroom, freshening herself up and scrubbing herself of all the sweat, tears, and grime that their intense lovemaking produced. After a good thirty minutes of a warm shower, Lamar joined inside, scrubbing himself and making out with Audrey,  their bodies grinding and their lips kissing. After the steamy shower, they both dried themselves up and Audrey still looked at his cock and his balls with astonishment. She wanted to taste it one last time and Lamar allowed it, letting her taste his cock for one last time.

    She weighed his balls, astonished by the huge size alone, and kissed them, sucking the egg shaped balls. He groaned in pleasure as he felt his balls cream and Audrey moved on to his dick, sucking him and this time wanted to taste his cum inside her mouth. She played with his nipples, hoping to intensify his ejaculation and as she played with his nipples, Lamar’s cock hardened inside her mouth and as he groaned, he shot a final load inside her mouth. She tasted his thick and creamy come, the nutrients inside giving her a sweet and rich taste as she licked the contents of his come. She retired herself to the bathroom again and washed off the come from her naked body. After the romp, she dressed herself back into her original street clothes. She embraced Lamar, knowing that both of them were going to be gone for a long time, and Lamar, who was clothed from the waist down in his sweats, and Audrey, kissed for a final time. Audrey left the room and went out of the hotel, getting into her SUV and about to drive back home. Both somehow knew that this encounter wouldn’t be their last.

Chapter V

    After both Lamar and Audrey went back to their original lives, Audrey found herself pregnant with Lamar’s baby. While her boyfriend traveled a lot, Audrey tried to keep it secret, but even she knew that it was hard to just lie to her beau and keep the pregnancy hidden so she broke up, knowing that her beau would never accept another man’s baby. She was a big as a house, knowing that her belly felt like it was gonna blow. She initaliiy expected one child but as she went into labor, the doctor delivered her first child, a boy, but doctors noticed another child and told her to push. As she pushed, she gave birth to another child, this time a girl. She was officially a mother to twins.

    As the babies grew up into toddlers, the boy had brown hair, and tan skin, while the girl had light brown curly hair with blonde streaks in her hair. She let Lamar know about the babies, both of them looking like a bundle of joy and getting mostly curious but approving looks from onlookers, a blonde mother with two biracial black kids. Audrey was also a lot thicker than her old self, her tits was already full of mother’s milk and her ass was bigger and softer than before, made specifically for black men. She wanted another set of children from Lamar and let him know. As Lamar received the message and seen sets of pictures of his adorable offsprings, He planned to grant her wish again. 

    Oregon couldn’t really accept an interracial couple, even though it was apparent that more and more biracial kids were being born, but despite society’s beliefs about it, Audrey and Lamar could never contain their lusts and the apparent love for one another, as both of them planned to meet again to meet their needs once more.



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