MS. SCOKEL GETS BLACKED! (M/F, preg, i/r, lac)

Andrea Scokel was a middle aged high school teacher in Brooklyn. She had been teaching in Brooklyn Tech for over twenty years. Her music program was widely acclaimed throughout the borough of Brooklyn as well as throughout the city of New York, and as a result, she received numerous awards from the New York Board of Education as well as the State of New York. She was also an opera and classical music buff. Some of her favorite magnus opus was Handel, Beethoven, Chopin, Bach, and Liszt. She also loved going to the art museums such as the Met and the Brooklyn Museum, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the National Gallery of Art, and the Louvre in Paris. She loved art so much, she has numerous collection books in her library. However, because of her modest pay in the New York school system, she often times worked part time in the Brooklyn Museum as an aide, especially during the summer.

Albeit she was very secular, she did observe her Jewish traditions such as Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah, and always celebrated with her widowed mother and her sister. As a young Jewess growing up in Midwood, Andrea grew with a younger sister who was two years her junior. Her late father, Leonard, worked in the city as a museum curator for the Met whole her mother was a city worker. They both met in the Met and decided on a date. A year later, they both married and nine months later, had their first child, a baby girl they called Andrea, followed by another girl called Daphne. 

The young girls would usually go to trips to Manhattan to go to the Lincoln Center and see live opera performances and musical works. Andrea especially liked the pops. Both the girls, Leonard, and Andrea would go to Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and DC just to see shows. Andrea initially thought shows going to be an opera singer like Maria Callas. She brought every Maria Callas record that was available and would practice everyday. She did well in school and made the honor roll in junior high and in her alma mater, Brooklyn Tech while her sister made it to Stuyvestant High School in Manhattan. In both junior and senior high, she was a part of the school choir, and would sing in the mezzo-soprano style. Andrea wanted to be a soprano, but her vocal cords could only do the best that it was able to do.

It also seemed like Andrea ended up being more curvy and voluptuous of the two sisters. Daphne was more chubby, but Andrea had more curves as their bodies developed during adolescence. And while both parents noticed the changes, because the girls did well in school, there was no concern over boys, as both girls seemed to be doing more with their schoolwork than their social life. Andrea started developing breasts at the tender age of 13, but her derriere became apparent when she was just ten. She was one of the shorter kids, and even wore glasses since 5, but here derriere stuck out there that the boys would give her names and make fun, but despite the torment, Andrea would do well in primary school. Her butt grew and her hips widened in junior high school. She was still flat chested until the 8th grade and she was self-conscious about not having breasts in comparison to her classmates, who started to develop breasts much earlier. This made her self-conscious and shy, at times, but her true moments was in the school choir, where she was practically one the best students.

In eighth grade, her breast started to finally blossom, but they weren’t as big as she liked, as the most popular girls already had big breasts in junior high, and Andrea had bumps that were B-cups, at the most. Her breasts finally filled up in high school, but her derriere was growing and widening at a rapid rate. Her having black curly hair at times made her mistaken for being Puerto Rican except for the Jewish sounding last name. She also noticed that most of the white and even the Jewish boys, for some strange reason, weren’t attracted to her, but were attracted to the blondes. However she did get a lot of attention from black and Puerto Rican guys, mainly for her ass. Deep down, she did desire a boyfriend, but her parents let her known that no boys were allowed. And if a boy was interested, it had to be a Jewish one, which was hard since many of the Jewish boys didn’t have any interest in her. In high school, she was all about her books and the choir. She graduated Brooklyn Tech with honors.

Both parents were proud of their girls and since Andrea wanted to study music, she was hoping for Julliard, Berklee, or Curtis. She didn’t get into Julliard nor Berklee, but Curtis was willing to give her a chance and Andrea went to Philadelphia to embark on a journey to her life-calling of music.singing. Unfortunately, tragedy struck the Scokel household during her freshman year, when her father, Leonard, had a heart attack. Her mother called her to tell her about the painful news. As Andrea took the bus the Brooklyn, she met her mother at the bus terminal. As she saw her father at her hospital, she only hoped for the best, but their prayers would only come in vain, as the doctor told them the bad news. “I hate to tell you guys this, but your husband, Leonard just passed.” For a moment, there was a brief moment of shock that her father was now gone, a painful reminder of the shock of how life can be so short.

As the mother and daughters grieved after his funeral, Andrea continued to study at Curtis. The shattering life event shook her to the point were she couldn’t even study properly. Despite doing well at school, she wasn’t sure  if she could continue studying at Curtis and dropped out after her freshman year. She thought about being a museum curator, just like her father, but her mother convinced her to continue going to Curtis. Andrea followed her mother’s advice and in addition, went to teaching college at night so she could get a job in case her musical career didn’t pan out as planned. She managed to graduate for Curtis, then finished her teaching degree two years later, and now, she was going to have to look for a full-time job. 

Andrea supported herself in college first working at a cookie shop in Philadelphia, then as a barista. She was able to share an apartment with fellow friends, four apiece, and split the rent four ways. With the money coming in, Andrea usually went to the Kimmel Center and the Mann Center for the Performing Arts in the Summer to catch on her opera performances. However, it seemed like she was a better teacher, especially since she had a lot of tough competition amongst here from kids as far away as Japan. She wanted to be like her idol Maria Callas, but the competition became too much, and she did enough to graduate from Curtis, and later on, become a teacher.

As she finally graduated from teaching college, Andrea decided to apply for a job for the New York Board of Education. She was hoping to getting a  slot at the High School for the Performing Arts, but the jobs director told her that the slot was unavailable. Even though her credentials allowed her to go to any school citywide, some of the best schools such as LaGuardia and Stuyvestant were unavailable. However, as an alumna at Brooklyn Tech, there was a provision that people who graduated from their school can apply for a job, and Ms. Scokel got the job, first as an aide. When it became apparent that she was into music, she was placed in the music department.

Brooklyn Tech was a renowned high school in New York, but even then, their music department paled in comparison to LaGuardia or Stuyvestant. And cuts did threaten the music department’s  budget. However, Ms Scokel did turn around the music department and gave the high school kids a chance to shine. Within her second year and beyond, Brooklyn Tech’s music department turned from a struggling one to an accredited one, even getting visits from the mayor and even the governor during her 10th year. 

As she was in the her early 30’s, her luscious raven hair started graying and some of her students though that she was in her 50’s at times, but Ms Scokel assured them that she was much younger than what she seemed. The gray hairs seemed to insulate her from the boys thinking she was a teenager and asking her out, but her derriere was even bigger than before. Wile her breasts did fill out to a nice pair of D-cups, her ass was as wide as 55 inches. She actually thought she was fat and even went to get a yearly gym membership, but even with the gym membership, there was little luck in losing her plump derriere as it seemed like going to the gym amplified her voluptuous figure even more, with her waist being even smaller, her breasts even bustier, and her ass even sticking out to the point where she would bump her ass into people, at times.


Dating was pretty hard for a woman like Andrea. Since junior high, she had a hard time getting a boyfriend, and even when she desired one, her parents discouraged her from getting one and instead told her to focus on her education. Every summer, when she was 11 years old, she and her sister would go to Jewish camp in Upstate New York and learn about nature. It was a summer routing and a way to get the kids out of the house. She did make a lot of friends in camp however the parents made an exception that Andrea could have a boyfriend in camp. She finally was able to meet a boy named Serigo, who was a Sephardic Jew from Spain.  She even managed to get her first kiss from Sergio in the woods, and it would continue. They would be penpals, and Andrea thought that Sergio would be her husband, but somehow someway, they lost track of each other, and Andrea would go back into her normal like of school work.

Other than Sergio, Andrea did have it rough when it came to dating. She also had it rough when it came to the type of music that was played. There was no rock, heavy metal, or rap allowed from their rooms. And even so, she preferred rap, since that’s what a lot of kids listened to nowadays. But classical and opera still dominated the Scokel household, as she was just as passionate about it, maybe even more than rap. It was very hard to appeal to the high school boys with opera and classical music. At this point, she preferred older men since they seemed to be into classical and opera music way more than the younger ones.

When she made it to college, the only men who seemed to truly like classical and opera were much older guys, and as a young woman, she wanted a man who was the same age or similar in age to her. But it was hard because a lot of the boys her age liked either rock or rap. However, her college days gave her a lot of freedom to listen to whatever, and she liked rap and R&B and pop music in addition to classical and opera. Her father always demanded that she marry a Jewish man, her mother not so much, but the mother did at least want Andrea to keep her Jewish customs. Both parents were also secular but they respected their Jewish faith. However, the death of Leonard Scokel allowed Andrea to freely discover new things in life.

Ad even deep down, she did desire Latino and Black men, however, her father discouraged her from even seeing certain white men unless they were Jewish. Even though her body attracted Laino and Black men, she didn’t know how to go about it and it felt kind of awkward seeing Latino and Black men holler and gawk at her. She knew why, but the insulation of different men from her family kept her in a pretty Jewish circle. She did try to date different Jewish men during her life and had sex with a few, but most of the Jewish men either desired to have Nordic white women or blondes, which she wasn’t. The sex between her and the men wasn’t even that memorable. 

Sergio was her only love and when she finally contacted him, both of them were in their 40’s and Sergio was already a father to 8 kids and already married in Israel. Andrea always longed for Sergio but she later found out that Sergio’s family moved out of New York and went to Israel, which is why she was unable to contact him for so long. Andrea always wondered had she managed to keep in touch with him, she would’ve already gotten married and became a mother. She felt frustrated with her love life and retired to her schoolwork instead.

After a long days of hard work, she went home to her Park Slope apartment and prayed to the most high for a man that would sweep her off her feet. Her eight cats would always keep her company especially when she was lonely, and if she didn’t get a date, she would always confide to her cats. It would be like this for much of her adult life. As she went to sleep, it seemed like she would be having this very vivd dreams of black men ravaging her soft, delicate voluptuous body. And every time she woke up, her panties would be soaked with come. Her panties were so wet, she would change them in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep, often times with the same result.

Andrea would soak her panties practically every week, with the same dream of muscular black men kissing her full lips, fondling her sagging breasts, and squeezing and caressing her soft hips. She would also fantasize about Sergio in her dreams occasionally, and being a mother to his many children, but most of her erotic dreams would involve different muscular black men, who looked either like the rap stars stars she would see on TV, or the football and basketball players, boxers, or just the black muscular models she would notice in magazines, some would be dark skin, and even some light skinned. She even had a dream that a muscular rasta man ripped off her clothing and started to ravish her so hard, she enjoyed it, and her panties were fully soaked. That dream would go on for months. It seemed that the dreams were her best sexual experience, even though the men she dated were mostly white, and mainly Jewish.

Her sister, Daphne, on the other hand, gotten married to a Jewish man who was a banker and the two of them went to San Francisco and had three kids. Daphne was more on the chubby side, but unlike her sister, she was more of a free spirit and it showed during their interactions. Daphne lived in Marin County, just outside San Francisco, and Andrea went to SF on a few occasions. She went to the Golden Gate Bridge, the Cable Cars, and Union Square, and Andrea and her sister would always stay at her her house with her husband every time Andrea visited SF. It looked like Daphne was doing very well and on these occasions, she always wondered whether Daphne was a better Jewish woman or whether Daphne had more faith than her.

It became a dilemma when both sister remained unmarried for most of their twenties until Daphne found a man who also happened to be a venture investor from SF. While Andrea still wanted Sergio and tried to find a man similar to Sergio, Daphne found love comparatively earlier than Andrea, making Andrea feel like an old maid. And as Andrea and Daphne got into their Middle Ages, Daphne was already a loving doting mother of two girls and a boy in a house in one of the most exclusive parts of the Bay Area. Andrea was grateful for her sister, but still seething that she couldn’t even find a man like Sergio.

She would continue having her intense erotic dreams and occasionally with Sergio and a few Latin men, but most of her dreams would be with black men of different persuasions. They became so intense, so confided to her rabbi about them. The rabbi thought that they were demons and prayed towards her in a vain attempt to make them stop. The prayer seemed to work for about a month however a month later, they came back, and Andrea could do nothing more than to accept the fact that she was the object of desire, at least in her dreams. Andrea enjoyed being ravished in her dreams, but in her real life, she had to juggle her responsibilities of running an accredited music program, and being a part-time museum curator, which helped her pay her bills and then some. Even in her riper ages, she would get cat calls from Puerto Rican or black man, and while she did like the cat calls, the reality was that she was in Brooklyn, and she wasn’t sure whether the men would either rob or assault her, so she would just ignore the cat calls and head home.


After celebrating her twentieth year in Brooklyn Tech High School, Andrea and her long-time Mildred would go out to the nearest bar and celebrate their anniversary. They were both Jewish, and single. Mildred, however did have children, something Andrea really yearned to have. As they were sipping their drinks, they both talked about their lives. Mildred talked about her kids and how happy she was that they were about to graduate junior high and head into high school.  Andrea congratulated her. Milderd’s three children were all biracial, two boys and a girl. She was also more slim than Andrea, but still had a curvy body and unlike Andrea, was much more outgoing than Andrea.

After talking for about an hour, Andrea was finally about to ask her how she met her lover. Mildred told her story when she tried to find a Jewish man but was unsuccessful. After years of trying to get one, she went to a club in Manhattan and suddenly found a black man who she found attractive. He was of Trinidadian descent and had a confidence about himself that she found attractive. After a few drinks, they decided to go to his house, and the next thing she knew, they kissed, and the passion that they had for each other  combusted into carnal hunger and desire. After that hot session, she found out that she was pregnant. When she went to let him know, he was already gone, and as she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, she tried to find him with little or no luck. As a result of the hot encounter, she would always fly to Trinidad for carnival, and as a result, she would end up pregnant, this time with another boy, and later on, a girl.

“You just have to understand, Andrea, that life is just too damn short, you can’t stay in the Jewish sphere of life all the time. You’re a highly attractive woman and I don’t understand why you still have to seek out Jewish men all the time. I tried that when I was younger, and I was always let down by Jewish men, but the black men always gave me attention. You just have to come out your shell, Andrea. Black men aren’t all savages and criminals like the news media make them out to be.” “You know, Mildred, you’re right! But my sister is married to a good Jewish man and deep down, I wanted the same. Now I don’t know whether I still have a chance at this age?” As Mildred looked at Andrea’s fertile body, she told Andrea that she had the body of a goddess and that any man would worship her, but that she had to change her outlook on life and let her sister live her life.

As the two friends celebrated their oncoming summer, Andrea took heed to Mildred’s advice and thought about her life. She just turned 44, her her biological clock was ticking. Her hair was getting grayer, and while she did go to the gym every week and was in surprisingly great shape for her age, she was feeling less confident that she would find the man that was right for her. As she went to her apartment and took a shower, she scrubbed the daily dirt and grime from her body, scouring the loofah around her body from head to toe, then toweling herself dry and later putting on her favorite pink robe on and sipping a chamomile tea to calm her nerves to put her to sleep. 

She oftentimes wondered how many black men she allowed to pass in her life. She also thought about he father’s heed not to date any black men. Although her father was friends with black colleagues and did even have black friends, he did draw down the line when it came to dating. The reality was that he wanted to maintain his Jewish heritage and while her farther didn’t really have any problem with her dating gentile men, he did have a problem dating Black or Latino men. It was just a tough time growing up in NY during the 80’s and 90’s, and her father only wanted what he felt was the best for his daughters. 

However, despite his wishes, she desired black men and even went as far as actually having a love in Sergio, but her father had the final say, and she instead confided in her music and schoolwork instead. Sergio was her love interest for a long time and she always fantasized about him throughout her life, especially when things didn’t go as planned when she had a bad or underwhelming date. Once she finished her chamomile tea. She relaxed once more, and started to have another vivid dream. This time she was working inside a museum. She was organizing the works when she noticed that there was nobody there in the gym, not even the guards but she started to organize the artwork when out of nowhere, a cornrowed man touched her right shoulder. As Andrea turned her head to see what was up, she encountered a black muscular man who was bare naked save  for a kilt wrapped around his waist. 

The fear that she had in her erotic dreams dissipated in this one. As the two of them encounters each other, both of them kissed passionately in the museum. Next thing, the man carried her to a room and as they entered the room, the both of them passionately kissed as the man slowly unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her pendulous tits and later, rolled down her skirt to the point where they were now naked. The man shut the door, and as he shut the door, the room turned into a bedroom, and the man led her to the bed, where they preformed foreplay. She noticed his flaccid cock and balls swinging and as she knelt down to take closer inspection, she sucked and weighted his balls, then focused her attention to his cock.

The man later bent her down, revealing her huge derriere, and first prodded her with his finger, making sure she was wet, and finally slipping his massive cock deep inside her, penetrating her. It seemed like they were penetrating each other for about an hour in this dream because it was so vivid and lucid at the same time. When it seemed like the man was about to come, Andrea orgasmed so hard, she felt the spasm of semen entering inside her womb as her vaginal muscles wrapped around the man’s cock like a vise and as he came, she came in one of her hardest orgasms she ever felt.  After the dream, one of her cats licked her face and Andrea woke up and found her bed sheets soaked. She couldn’t believe it. Her nipples felt sensitive and her womb felt like she actually had sex. 

When she reached to her vagina and touched inside, the thickness of her vaginal fluids felt like the man in her dream came inside but there was no semen. She proceeded to rub her semi-hairy smatch, playing with her clit and getting hot at the same time. After a few minutes, she finally was aroused and a few more minutes, came on the bed, her nude body within and quivering as she embraced the orgasm that she had with her dream lover. Ms Scokel came back to reality and during the first week of her summer vacation, she went to the gym and proceeded to work in her summer gig at the museum.


A month later, Andrea felt more relaxed and while she did have her misgivings about not having a man, she did feel a little more confident in herself plus she seemed full of energy, even more them in her 20s and 30s. Ms. Scokel wanted to take a trip to Vermont for the summer to relax, but she had to work for the weekends, so she went to her usual gig at the Brooklyn Museum and worked the rest of the day. It was a typical Thursday, as Andrea was working together with her male colleague to get the exhibition on African art ready by tomorrow. Robert admired her and wanted to date her. He was practically awkward, but still summed up enough courage to ask her out on a date for Saturday. While she liked Robert, she accepted, and told him to stand by in case something popped up. Robert also worked in the same school as Andrea and was in Brooklyn Tech for about a couple of years.

She liked Robert for his intelligence and for his love for opera, but somehow she knew something was missing in Robert, however she was willing to giving Robert a chance at a date. As Andrea left the museum for the day, she went to her favorite restaurant on Flatbush Avenue and ordered the usual. As she say down to eat her food, a brown skinned man with cornrows sat next to her. The man was 6’2’’, 250 lbs of mostly muscle, and very chiseled and confident in his manner. “Hello, Andrea! How are you doing?” Surprised, Andrea, let out a hello. “You don’t know who this is? I’m Benjamin, the trader and courier from the museum. How’s it going, Andrea?” Andrea finally remembered the gentleman and greeted him heartily. “Oh yes, Benjamin! Now I remember you. How are you doing? I haven’t seen you in awhile!” “I just had to come to Brooklyn to visit family and catch up on what’s going on. So what’s new, Andrea?” “Oh, we’re having an African art exhibition and we’re almost placing the finishing touches on it. It’s supposed to be ready at around three o’clock tomorrow. So what are you doing for tomorrow?” “I was considering heading back home to Philadelphia tomorrow to handle some business. I’ve worked hard today and I have an Airbnb that I’m staying. Tomorrow, I head back to Philadelphia and after I’m done with some business , I’ll probably rest for the weekend.” As Andrea and Benjamin chatted, they both enjoyed each other’s company. 

Benjamin had worked in the Art Museum first as a courier and had known Andrea for several years. Now living in Philadelphia, he worked to transport valuable art as well as a courier as a side gig while driving a cab for his main gig in Philadelphia. Benjamin was doing well in Philadelphia due to a lower cost of living, in which he was able to get a house after years of trying to get one in Brooklyn. He often came to Brooklyn every month to catch up on family and friends and would come to enjoy the night life. It was over a year since he last seen Andrea. Andrea always admired Benjamin and even considered him to be a very close friend.. She felt comfortable with him and was attracted to him but her limitations on black men prevented her from pursuing a relationship with him. Benjamin, was always attracted to Andrea, and he always seemed to love her curvy and voluptuous body. She would occasionally catch him looking at her body but unlike other men, she was secure with Benjamin as he was no threat plus she knew Benjamin from the days of working with her at the Art Museum. 

As Andrea wanted to leave the restaurant, Benjamin told her where she was going. “I’m about to go home, Benjamin. I have a long day ahead of me and I want to get ready. I’ll see you when we meet.” However Benjamin wanted to spend more time with her chatting and while she had a date planned with Robert on Saturday, she allowed Benjamin to accompany her on her bus ride home. As they both took the bus on Flatbush Ave down to 9th St in Park Slope, Andrea and Benjamin went into her apartment as they both chatted about their lives. For some strange reason, Andrea subconsciously wanted male companionship, and Benjamin provided it even though she wanted to focus more on the upcoming exhibition. She still wanted to chat with her ex-worker and see how things were going.

“So how’s Philadelphia? I heard that it was great down there.” “It’s not a bad city. Actually, it’s very livable right now and some places that haven’t been hot are starting to emerge like Kensington and Northern Liberties. It’s not the same place it was twenty years ago. There’s bars and restaurants everywhere you go nowadays, as well as new houses, lofts, and condos.” Andrea enjoyed benjamin’s company and she also chatted up everything from politics to the art scene to life in NY. Andrea deep down wanted Benjamin and Benjamin, who was surprised to come to her place, did want to become intimate with Andrea after all those years of fantasizing about her. Andrea saw a changed man and even noticed his growing cornrows. As she asked to feel his cornrows, she traced her hand along his hair, feeling the coarseness and the smoothness of his jet black hair, and wondering how black men could have such immaculate hair, even to the point of growing it long.

“It’s very beautiful. I never dated a man with cornrows before, let alone think about one. I always associated that hairstyle with rappers and drug dealers.” “Are you serious, Andrea? No need for stereotyping! This is a hairstyle that kings and queens were wearing since the days of Egypt. I figured you’d know better than that, Andrea.” “I’m sorry about that, Benjamin! I never meant to insult you, it really does look beautiful!” After a moment of shock and stupor, Benjamin finally relented and forgave her, knowing she really meant no harm in her words. As the two finally passed the time with tea and biscuits, Andrea decided to play George Benson’s Give Me the Night. Both were music buffs, and both decided to relax the tension with some music.

As the melody permeated air air waves, Benjamin asked Andrea whether she really liked his cornrows. Andrea said, “Benjamin, if I hated them, I wouldn’t rub my hand on it. I probably wouldn’t even invite you to my apartment let alone notice that it’s really you. You have changed, Benjamin. You have changed a lot since I seen you in the Art Museum.” “And you changed yourself, too, Andrea!” Benjamin reached and stroked her salt and pepper hair, feeling the layers of her curly, Medittereanean style hair, playing  and twirling with it with his right index finder. “Oh stop it, don’t say I’m getting old, now!” Benjamin felt very hard as he played with her hair and stared intently. As soon as he played with her hair, he caressed her left cheek and felt her soft, tender olive skin as he looked deep into her bespectacled eyes.

Andrea felt a moment where her loins heated up and moistened, and as her hips buckled , Benjamin moved his hand from her face to her thighs, moving them on top of his thighs. He took her shoes off and looked at her manicured feet, massaging them. As Andrea allowed Benjamin to give her a foot massage, she felt a hard bulge between his legs, and while initially startled, she relaxed and allowed him to massage and even tickle her feet. As Benjamin was making Andrea more comfortable, he sniffed her feet, and while she giggled, he sucked on her toes, first licking them, then nibbling softly and sucking them.

Andrea knew where this might go, but allowed Benjamin to proceed with the toe sucking. As Benjamin finished sucking both her feet, he grabbed her right thigh and allowed her to mount him. He placed his hands around her waist, and gradually moved his hands towards her meaty hips, rubbing them and kneading them at the same time. As he continually caressed her wanton hips, Benjamin looked intently through her eyes and proceeded to place his full lips onto her soft lips, first kissing her softly, then with each kiss, a deeper and more intense kiss, finally, when both Benjamin and Andrea were finally enamored with each other, a big wet kiss. As both lovers sucked and savored their lips, Benjamin roamed his hands from her hips and into her rump, feeling the soft, carnal and fatty appendages of her derriere through her khaki pants. 

As the lovers shared little pleasurable kisses, Andrea started to gyrate and grind along Benjamin’s bulge, feeling his hard-on through her loins and getting her panties even more damp with every stroke. They kissed until Benjamin decided to suck on her neck, kissing and finding her sensitive parts of her body. As she giggled, she was laughing hysterically, she moved her head and told Benjamin to stop kissing her neck, and as he finally relented, Andrea and Benjamin continued to kiss briefly. Benjamin unbuttoned her shirt and revealed her saggy, but ample cleavage. As he observed her ripe tits, he undid the hooks on her wire bra and gradually revealed her pendulous tits. They were a nice size and Andrea’s nipples began to harden. With her shirt still on, Benjamin reached for one of her tits and suckled on her left tit, tracing his tongue on her hardening nipple. She breathed heavily, closing her eyes and experienced the sensation of this black god sucking and milking her wanton breasts. As he gave her right tit the same treatment as the left, both Andrea and Benjamin stood up and stripped. 

Benjamin unfastened her belt and unzipped her khaki pants until she revealed her panties. As Benjamin took off her pants and started to peen off her panties, he noticed a wet spot on them and briefly pressed his finger on it, hoping to arouse her even more. After he peeled her panties from her waist and later took her button-up shirt off her body, she was fully naked save for a pair of socks. He proceeded to take off his shirt while Andrea undid his belt buckle. As Andrea unzipped his jeans, she noticed his bulge getting bigger than usual. Andrea never been this intimate with black man in her life, and now she was going to experience what black men had to offer. As she looked at his ripped body, she peeled his boxers off and noticed his erection popping out of his boxers bouncing and bobbing around. It was practically bigger than any man she’s been with, and his balls we the most massive she’s ever seen.

Andrea weighted his balls with her delicate right hand, feeling how much come he was carrying in each testicle. As she squeezed his balls very slightly, trying to gauge the weight and the volume of each testicle, she then placed her attention on his veined, bulbous cock. She kneeled her nude body, and licked his cock like a lollypop, licking the glans lightly and tasting the saltiness of it then licking even more until she wrapped her full lips on his cock, sucking until she could feel he was getting very hard.

As her olive skinned body greatly contrasted with the chocolate color of Benjamin, she sucked him for a few, then lifter his cock and tasted the saltiness of his chocolate balls, feeling his balls inside her mouth and wondering how much semen Benjamin was holding inside those massive balls.    As she finally slobbered on Benjamin’s hard cock, He stood her up and carried Andrea to her bedroom , where she directed him to the bed. Some fo the cats laid on her bed and as each cat observed, Andrea was placed doggystyle, where Benjamin arched her back and revealed her wet, tender loins.

The top of her loins was covered in a generous amount of black hair, but the bottom was practically hairless. Benjamin placed his finger and traced it along her vulva and massaged her soft white folds. As he worked his finger deep inside her vagina, he rubbed his probing finger towards her clit and massaged it, pressing it with expertise and seeing her quiver with pleasure. He pulled his finger from her folds, and sniffed, then tasted her clear, sloppy discharge. It smelled pheromonal and strong, and drove Benjamin wild. After playing with her pussy, he position her wide ass towards his face and proceeded to sniff her asshole. Her ass aroma was very pungent, but pleasant and as he savored the aroma of her ass, he placed his tongue on her asshole and licked it, tasting her ass and delicately lapped up her anal flavor. 

The stinging of his tongue on her ass made Andrea get even wetter as her love canal coated with her come. “Oh God, Benjamin!!! You’re going to make me come. After a few minutes of sniffing and tasting her ass, he focused his attention to her mature pussy and tasted her wetness. He prodded his tongue inside her quivering canal and tasted the contents of her wetness. Her heavy breathing drove her nuts while the cats watched as their mistress was getting pleasured by another human male. Andrea writhed with greater pleasure as Benjamin tasted her tangy mature pussy and worked his tongue on her clit. 

Benjamin decided to place his finger inside her one last time, and popped her strenuously, hearing her soft moans across the room while he now placed tow fingers inside her vagina while he massaged her clit with his right thumb. After a good few minutes popping her warm pussy, Andrea started to contract around his finger and gripped his fingers until a spray of clear fluid came out of her, feeling her real orgasm in a long time. As he prodded her again for another few minutes, a second orgsam came unto her and she came again, feeling yet another moment of sexual euphoria enveloping her writhing body. One final minute gave her a final rush of come and as Andrea came, her body was exhausted, as she felt what was about to come. 

Benjamin climbed onto the side of Andrea’s partially soaked bed and grabbed his hard, pulsating cock and rubbed his tip on her clit. “Oh, Benjamin, please let me feel that big, black dick inside of me!!! I want to know what it feels like, baby!!! Benjamin proceeded to press inside her womb, feeling the velvety warmth and softness of her Jewish pussy. He gradually penetrated her, feeling every nook and cranny of her love canal and noticing a thick discharge of cream forming along his cock. He stroked her gradually as her moans and groans became louder. As Benjamin’s speed picked up, he placed his cock balls deep and felt the walls getting warmer and tighter. He grabbed Andrea’s hips and bounced her ass on his torso as the cock churned her hot pussy and his big balls slammed onto her clit, driving her nuts.

As Benjamin pounded her crazy and as her voice moved into different octaves the harder he stroked her, Benjamin felt a tightening in his balls, and when it became apparent that he may come, he slowed down his strokes and restored his breathing until he was able to last for another round. After the doggystyle, Benjamin took out his cock and directed her to straddle him reverse cowgirl. As he lied on the side of the bed with his feet on the ground, Andrea sat on his cock and placed it inside her pussy, bouncing up and down while he lies on the bed, noticing her enormous 55” white Jewish ass bouncing and feeling her pussy milk his cock for every drop of cum there was in his sack. She grinded intensely, feeling her pussy tighten once again as she moaned. Benjamin reached to grab her ass and directed her even harder to make her reach another climax. As her ass jiggled and pounded on his pelvic region, she screamed even harder as the weight of her body and her ass  made her pussy tighten even more and she let out an even louder scream than ever.

As Andrea squirted out her creamy discharge, she got off his cock and observed how hard it still was and how much come was coating it. She looked at his pulsating cock and grabbed it, stroking his cock and sucking it, tasting her own come on his cock. She still squeezed his balls and felt that it was even bigger than before with much more come being produced. She licked on his balls as he told her to sit on his cock. She mounted him on the cowgirl position and slowly placed his cock inside her and slowly and exhaustingly bobbed up and down along his shaft.  Because she was so exhausted, Andrea couldn’t stay up and fell down to where their chests grinded on top of each other. Benjamin straitened her up and reached for one of her tits to suckle on them. Andrea managed to summon enough strength to place her hands on top of the bed while Benjamin suckled on her again. She gradually grinded in his cock, slowly feeling every inch as her gyrations kept his cock in place inside of her.

As the both of them were exhausted, Benjamin managed to use his upper body strength and carry her while they were both penetrating each other . As she was carried mid air, Benjamin flipped her back onto the bed in the missionary, pumping her slowly but deeply, working on getting to come soon inside her. Andrea felt another charge of come building inside of her as he slowly pumped his turgid weapon slowly, but hard. He pressed on her nipples while she reached towards his chest and played with his nipples, as both lovers worked hard to give each other a powerful orgasm. She withered and screamed as he felt the pussy tightening up, hoping to extract much of his virile black seed inside her Jewish womb. 

For a few more minutes, they pounded each other until light droplets of sweat covered their bodies. As the two were practically exhausted, Benjamin embraced her and kissed softly but passionately. Their embrace lasted for a good two minutes. As Benjamin’s balls throbbed and ached with pleasure and pressure inside his balls, he decided to flip Andrea’s body one last time and pound her doggystyle. He arched her back and placed his hardening cock inside her. He slowed his strokes to feel her walls one last time before he deposited his seed inside her womb. As he sped up, he could feel that his balls were tightening with new sperm being formed inside his balls. He banged as hard as he could until Andrea screamed, her womb moistening up and getting ready for him to inseminate her with a black baby.

Her canal tightened as he grabbed her ass to get ready for a powerful orgasm. As Andrea screamed for what was about to be, she came and as Benjamin sensed that she came, he sped up his strokes until finally his balls contracted and he felt a great gush of fresh, virile black semen flood from his ball deep inside her hot, wet, steamy womb. He felt 15 contractions of his seed pumping violently in his balls and continued to deposit the seed inside her womb as the two lovers shared a loud powerful vocal scream of pain, pleasure, and ecstasy. After depositing the last of his seed inside Andrea, Benjamin fell on her back, laying there for a few. After he managed to catch her breath, he flipped Andrea sideways and decided to spoon her with is now semi-erect cock. 

The two lovers were still overcome by the sudden burst of passion, but Andrea and Benjamin shared a moment of solitude and peace with each other, their bodies finally discovering the fact that they were made for each other, regardless of their race of their position in life. After the spoon, Andrea got on top of him and kissed him as he caressed her ass. With the cats observing what transpired between their mistress and the male, after the passionate exhibition  that was displayed between the two, the cats finally decided to descend to their domicile and head off to a good night sleep. Andrea and Benjamin laughed and giggled, both of them observing their bodies and what has become of the powerful night between them. As the clock counted down to 1 AM, both Andrea and Benjamin shared one final kiss before finally nodding off for the day.


As morning started to appear, Andrea and Benjamin were still asleep, as their bodies embraced. However, as 9 AM came, Andrea came out of her slumber. As she noticed Benjamin still asleep, she got up and used the toilet, then got in the shower and scrubbed her body. After she got out of the shower, she placed her bathrobe and prepared to  make some coffee for herself and for Benjamin. As the coffee maker brewed a batch of coffee, Benjamin woke up to find that Andrea got out of her bed. When we went to use the bathroom, Andrea was already up and making a light breakfast. Benjamin decided to take a quick shower. After Benjamin cleaned up his body, he took a towel from the rack and wrapped it around his waist.

As Andrea made a cup for him, she offered him, eggs, toast, or bagels. He decided to go with buttered bagels and Andrea prepared him two sesame seed bagels while she took one for herself. After she prepared the bagels, she set his plate on his side while she enjoyed her dish. “Damn baby, that was the most intense sex I’ve had in a long time. We should do it again.” “You know I have that exhibition later today, Benjamin. But I’ll say this, that was one of the most fulfilling moments I’ve ever had, so anything for you. It was very, very hot. As both of them munched on their breakfast bagels, both of them embraced again. Benjamin undid her bathrobe and she undid his towel until they were naked again and kissing. 

They both embraced each other and caressed their bodies. Benjamin fondled her clean, fresh white Jewish body while Andrea rubbed her hands all around his chest. As Benjamin traced his hands down to her ass, Andrea embraced him fully. As Benjamin grabbed her ass, he attempted to lift her off the ground and once he did, he kissed her again before placing his newly erect cock inside. He stroked again, this time slowly and less vigorously, maintaining his erection and his balance for a few minutes, then as he lifted, sat down on the couch and proceeded to allow her to ride him one last time. 

As Andrea bobbed up and down on his big black cock, a new batch of semen was forming inside his balls and as he felt the pressure building up inside his balls, Benjamin grabbed her ass and pounded her furtively to place yet another round of baby making semen. As his balls tightened, he grabbed Andrea’s ass and proceeded to deposit his seed inside her already fertilized womb. After a good ten minute fuck, Benjamin and Andrea moaned once more, as he let his hot semen deep inside her womb. 

They both shared another kiss and caressed each other for the rest of the morning. As Benjamin finished his bagels, Andrea decided to get dressed, getting herself ready for work. Benjamin took his clothes and put them on while Andrea got dressed in a conservative brown button up shirt and black slacks. As 11 AM came on the clock, both Benjamin and Andrea went out and as they stepped out of her apartment, they both shared a brief, but passionate kiss, as Benjamin was headed to the subway while Andrea waited for her bus to come. 

Andrea made it to work a little late, but she was able to place the final touches on the upcoming exhibition. When Saturday came, she did her job at the museum as Robert helps out. Finally, when the workday was about to end, Robert and Andrea walked together and went to a cafe together. Although Robert was a very nice guy and she liked him, she found Benjamin able to provide her physical and eventually her emotional needs as a woman. She ended the date on a good note and Robert only got as a peck on the cheek. When the next school year started, it was business as usual for Ms. Scokel. She was still unmarried and she had to teach a new crop of kids out the value of appreciating and learning about classical music.

As the months passed by, Ms Scokel started to feel bloated and when she went to the doctor, he let some important news come out. “Andrea, it looks like you’re pregnant.” Andrea found out the news that she wasn’t just carrying one, but two babies, and that she was going to be a mother coming around June. She liked Robert, but had to break the bad news to him, but thanked him for his time and let her black lover know that she was expecting his kids. Ms Scokel became big as a house until she had to go on maternity leave for the rest of the school year. Once June came, she went to the hospital and delivered two bouncing babies, first a boy, then a beautiful baby girl. Many felt the at her age, she shouldn’t be having children, but when both kids came out, it was considered a miracle, as both twins were in great health. After the birth of her twin children, Ms. Scokel announced the birth to her mother, who was delighted with the birth of her new grandchildren, as well as to her sister in SF. When Benjamin got word of the birth, he came up to Brooklyn to see his children. As the kids got bigger, she planned to have yet another baby by Benjamin, which is what he planned to do.

Her tits were swelling with milk and she had to change for a new size from D to double DD while her ass grew from 55 to 60 inches. As Benjamin observed how her tits  filled up with milk, he took one of them and suckled on one of them, tasting the fresh, creamy but light flavor of her maternal milk. Andrea told him that she needed the milk for her babies, but as Benjamin sampled her tits, he took a cup and squirted some inside, then tasted it again. Her milk was relatively clearer than cow’s milk, but it tasted sweeter. It was also said that human milk was supposed to be healthier than cow’s milk. So while Benjamin looked forward to impregnating her again, he also ordered Andrea to produce a gallon of milk which he could take home and enjoy. While it was a tough job to do, Andrea proceeded to produce as much milk as possible for her black lover while nursing her growing babes.

The burdens of motherhood became hard for Andrea, and she called Brooklyn Tech for a year leave, in which she was granted leave for her hard work. As she not only produced not one, but two gallons of milk for Benjamin, she also made sure he was sexually satisfied. While her babies slept in the living room, Andrea and Benjamin were in the process of making yet another baby as It seemed every weekend was the same hot sex session they had last year. A few months later, Andrea would get pregnant again, with another set of twins on the way in late May. Andrea did go to fitness classes for pregnant women. Being the oldest was a huge challenge, but she wanted to keep her body as fit as possible. Once she gave birth to her second set of twins. Her and Benjamin went at it again. Between him and her, they had a total of eight kids. Because the apartment was too small for the kids, she decided to move the kids to her mothers house, where the kids would be watched over by grandma while she now moonlighted as an escort to take care of her kids as well as make a new lucrative living servicing the men.


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